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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. idk how many know but i stopped playing for a month and decided to come back. just a little bit ago i remembered why i left in the first place, the assholes in the server, how could i forget the assholes. i mean seriously how could i have forgotten how toxic this community is a cant help but keep getting drawn back into it but the toxicity is really pushing me away.
  2. i know i said i left a month ago but i decided to come back i guess i just lost interest in arma for a bit. anyways im back
  3. i know the vid was a joke but im talking about the actual bitchy people
  4. speaking of that video. the part were hes talking about motown. i met them both on mortal online and added them on steam. they play rocket league together quite a bit, maybe once or twice a week, but other than that i dont see them hop on much. so i assume they are working on identity for most of a week. people really should be less bitchy they are working hard.
  5. Ok here are a few scenarios p1 fires at p2 without a word, p2 does NOT die, and does NOT fire back but p1 continues to fire and kill therefore rdm P1 fires at p2 without a word, p2 does NOT die, but DOES fire back, and then dies but isnt rdm as both parties are initiated. not going to bother explaining groups and gangs cause it gets a little more confusing
  6. full story is i took a break from asylum for 2 months, people thought my post about needing to patrol kavala more got me depressed cause all the negative comments, so i created a new account and got rewhitelisted as lucky. when i first heard it i couldnt stop laughing.
  7. its because they were honestly the reason i hopped on at times. when higher ups weren't on,, shit didn't get done even if i said something. i had more fun playing with higher ups then people of same rank.
  8. Its been a nice run but ive lost interest in arma 3, not due to irl things but the game in general. id like to thank the people of server 3 for the good times ive had. in particular @DarkKnight @Vescio and @Olivia and other sergeants that i cant think of. its probably just a phase and may come back in a few months until then cya. i may be active on forums at least. P.S. Me and lucky ARE NOT the same person.
  9. screw you. your signature actually fooled me i tried to squish a bug that wasnt there
  10. fuck ya lethals only! jk lol that would ruin the server beyond imagination
  11. its got to be one of the lowest forms of scumbag moves but yes its allowed
  12. not once have i recieved comp for reporting a combat logger i have asked multiple times in reports and no one answers
  13. im a bh and i say -1 to this whole post you need a group to properly bounty hunt. i feel your pain i really do, but i solo bounty hunt so my one rule is dont mess with gangs unless they mess with you first. also its not the wanted person's fault you wont leave kavala. i just use kavala as a base of operations but at least im willing to leave. and if they are in red zones that gives you an advantage, its called grab an mx with rco and binocs scout the area out and if it looks like you can take em snipe the shit out of em without saying a word cause you know its a red zone.
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