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Everything posted by Treeherder

  1. Are those sweet fx or just in game color settings? Either way can you share your settings?
  2. arge m8tie In all seriousness just torrent sony vegas and you'll be as cool as tom
  3. Because damage handlers are gross. Just look at how fucked the damage model in the downing script is
  4. And make it so civs can take peyote to control a random animal (rabbit, goat, raven, or snake) that they encounter on their spiritual journey.
  5. 1. Envy 2. Insanity 3. Synergy 4. Encore 5. Bad blood
  6. Time to give writing a no sway AHK another go
  7. Completely untrue. Mission only runs like shit when the scripts aren't properly optimized. Mission file size does little to directly impact performance. I've played on servers with mission files of over 100mb and they run better than asylum.
  8. Not yet it's still welcome week. I've just been partying so far.
  9. Considering that anyone who knows where to look and has a little sqf knowledge can now become admin, I really don't see the point of this thread.
  10. Then make it so cops have god mode while sirening. In fact why not just make cops invulnerable since after all, how are they supposed to role play when they're dead?
  11. the apd is here to role play and shouldn't even have weapons in the first place. -1
  12. Seeing as Elysium is never on NA times it would be hard to take seriously
  13. Needs a major nerf. Having fun while making money is not the authentic asylum experience.
  14. It happens at all the spawns plz fix
  15. Treeherder


    nah just fitty bread
  16. please add this as an emote for harambe
  17. I think it might be time to bring back the justice wagon
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