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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Someone roast this guy he shouldn't be allowed to talk shit to anyone.
  2. Sounds like you need testosterone replacement therapy.
  3. Denied, insufficient experience and no vouch. re-polished meme:
  4. It's faster to peak and if its something that you other wise wouldn't peak over because its too high it gives you a small height boost. On a side note i made a youtube channel and I'll upload highlights there as well gamers.
  5. decent gangs can fight the cops while the cops out number them 1.5:1 or sometimes even 2:1. I'm not calling you bad, I'm saying that their are other gangs that have no problem doing it.
  6. Wait till you see his memehau montage
  7. Rake really likes Mordhau https://www.twitch.tv/videos/735825297
  8. New bank is pretty damn fun gotta say.
  9. Steve


    Just give them the endless jet ski ride special
  10. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/720824654
  11. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/718846868
  12. you are in the discord aren't you?
  13. Forum banter has been at an all time low that is true.
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