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Everything posted by Smee

  1. @Alec-I paid promotion for FSM brought back ?????? ( A free get out of jail card )
  2. Why post other servers on an asylum forums ?????????????????????
  3. I suggested many ideas a good while ago, allot of them just got shrugged off the shoulder also with good ammount of likes 🤷‍♂️
  4. @Mitch (IFRIT) open polls for players to vote content ?
  5. Smee


    id take one of these
  6. i was bamming you up who would of wanted a s2 anyway xd
  7. Is this on server 2 would really love to buy it 🤠
  8. https://i.gyazo.com/a0437a4a9d8d13e0ee7967b2ebd06ba8.mp4 Do i meet requirements to blackjack ???
  9. Time to flip a profit on some housing #ReinstateSmee4Support
  10. my phone is normally mooshed into my face fully blaring, normally rust videos etc
  11. never mind buisness idea out the window
  12. Added: Permanent house keys. Can only be given/revoked by the house owner. Both players need to be nearby the house when giving the keys out Will show these owners when cops search houses. Cops can now search houses if the owner is offline and the house is being used by a permanent key holder Max of 10 additional key holders per building.
  13. House 1 - Sofia Rebel - 60k per person per week This house is within running distance to rebel, this is one of few houses were you can take a 1 min 30 sec run and your at your location. House 2 - Pygros Rebel 50k per person per week This house is within running distance to rebel, this is one of few houses were you can take a 2 min run and your at your location. House 3 - Pygros Skip Tracer 30k per person per week This house is within the circle at skip tracer this house is within 400m of running and will take no longer than 1 min. How it works ! You will be one of FEW clients allowed keys and permissions to these luxury respawn housing, you will pay a "weekly Fee" to maintain your key , The prices are based on location and how it may affect you if your a bounty hunter the prices will be lower than a rebel house. Upon accepting a weekly rent to "Respawn Alternatives" you will be adhere to certain rules upon payment. These rules will be PM to you or spoken to you in game. PM me for any info regarding this
  14. i have 39 mk-1ks available
  15. Subscriber amount goes towards "total donor rank"
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