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Everything posted by Hakeem

  1. who even asked for this xD
  2. after Obiwoki left the game you magically went from being 0-5 (for 1 hour) to killing 5+ in a row, in like 10 seconds. Not cheating πŸ˜‚. Dont forget about Haych🀣 🀑🀑
  3. just like dillon saying "80% of our gang is banned... but we dont cheat, I promise, we just dont know why they ban us" πŸ˜‚ funny memes
  4. well the number of cops they can see that ingame, but seeing whos online, which location(city) they might be patrolling, which higher up is hanging out in APD support channel and might jump ingame if they do a fed event,etc... thats some pussy metagame.
  5. Also make the APD TS channels, all hidden, unless they are playing as cops which means they are in one of the APD channels. To avoid some idiots joining the TS, staying in the Holding Cell/AFK Channel just to (literally) metagame and spam fed events based on who they see online, in which cities, etc. Example: Retard "N" joins the TS and sees 3 admins, 1 captain and 2 Sgts playing as cops, then he tell his friends to wait or do something else. Retard "V" joins the TS, sees 3 cadets and 1 constables in sofia and 1 potato Sgt muted(kidnapped) in Kavala, then he tell his friends to rush bank asap and start it.
  6. do you even do drugs? I dont even see you playing the game. Stop making suggestions about things you never do ingame bro. +1. Only time I see this guy ingame is when he plays cop, ofc you want this implemented ingame, ofc.
  7. I think we need an announcement or decision to be made about it, I doubt I'm the only one that lost motivation to play or invest time (other than playing cop) knowing that an actual wipe is possibly coming.
  8. so when is the actual wipe happening? πŸ₯Έ
  9. any way to count pre-v2 and pre 2015-forum playtime or something like that? was already playing here back in 2014. I want my "OG" title to bully the 2017+ kids What about something like this: - at least 1 year playing = "Seasoned" -3 years playing(V2) = "Veteran" -5 years playing = "OG" -7 years playing = "Old School" ( cool colored title to distinguish from other plebs and kids)
  10. someone def has to clarify this, because I have seen "veterans" no-lifing this fresh server like the data would be transfered and progress will be used if a real wipe happens. Like Trioxide says, no one ever made this clear, this fresh server was not even planned or announced a week before its release, not even 3 days, the release time was really bad, wasn't it like at 11AM EST? most people are working at that time, etc. Just learn from this EVENT (bc thats what it was meant to be) and do a real wipe in like a month or something.
  11. can you devs connect or do something about new apd/emt whitelisted (players) id's for this fresh server db?
  12. just so you now, I have seen other cops running around in offroads, no vest, using pdw or TRGs... 80% of civs are running around without guns or just using pistols and things like that... maybe you still dont understand the problem. probably like 90% tbh* anyway whatever, do what you want, idc.
  13. I'm just gonna say I was really hyped about this... until during my first drug run, a wild UNDERCOVER COP USING A CIV VEHICLE AND AN MX WITH A MRCO decided to check heroin proc and go after me, downed me and sieze everything I had. Not even crying about the money and time lost but how and why are retarded cops like this guy, allowed to patrol and fight people using pistols and 10k in bank, while they have all their normal loadout, really stupid. See you on monday, not playing this retardation.
  14. back when we had nice and FRIENDLY cops... now like 98% of them are just retarded, they shoot first, their main objective is to waste your time or annoy you, they ignore you (and your "rights" as civ) they literally roleplay as irl US cops.
  15. could you clarify if this is the first step to delete sativa/indica from the game or are you looking for a new ways to gather/buy seeds?
  16. you have to wait for 2 restarts (around what? 5 hours?) to be able to process your seeds(plants) into buds. To process them you have to go to the Weed Proc or Drug dealer, both are KoS zones, if you don't have a house nearby, it's a very risky way of losing those 5 hours. Or just do this, this guy should be a dev, not a 50IQ who only thinks about removing stuff as a solution.
  17. gl wasting your time, do that while I build my itinerary for my next europe trip.
  18. House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Stone House 3c House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 3c Location (Town/DP#): Weed Proc Asking Price: 5.5m Description: So I barely play this anymore, and when I do I have to deal with r*tards that believe they run the ingame world, playing this all day, doing nothing else but playing Arma3 in 2022 yikes, like this "rando" guy, like imagine camping weed proc when there are 60/140 ppl playing, such a loser, but whatever thats why I have decided to sell this house. It's a good house to make money, I made around 10m in less than 1month by selling buds, playing around 3 hours a day, a few months ago. It's fully upgraded, greenhouse, max inventory, etc, I'ts literally right next to weed proc, you can camp from it, you don't need a vehicle to process your sativa/indica plants and more. Base price 5.5m, post your offer. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://imgur.com/a/pIH1fjF
  19. you are so good man, you should apply for C9, TSM or Team Liquid for their arma3 squad and participate in the Arma 3 International 2022. Or maybe just go pro, or just stream, I'm sure people would appreciate your "skillz" and youll get insta 5k viewers. ... Oh wait, no one cares.
  20. funny 12yo joke that you would never dare to make in person, retard
  21. I suppose I am, I'd rather be in a peaceful 3rd world country than in EU right now or somewhere else, being afraid of going school/univ cuz school shooters or dealing with hobos near my house, hate/racial crime, etc.
  22. imagine using "3rd worlder" as an insult... like, are you 13 or something? have you EVER traveled outside US/EU? no? yikes, get out of your bubble monkey.
  23. Hakeem

    New Mods

    Well I was waiting for this to decide If subbing and buying keys was worth it. I guess I'll probably take a 1 year break instead. Gratz to bandit though, seems like a cool guy. The rest of them... yikes. Innate is already making assumptions and giving only 50% of comp requested, just cause he can... yikes
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