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Everything posted by Dredd

  1. I didn't say searching civilians would equal contact.
  2. Know what would be interesting? No payout for tickets, lethals, or parole. It would probably be a real pain to code but instead track contact made with civilians instead. Issuing tickets, pardons, parole, giving warnings for misbehaving, time spent at fed/bank/prison break, etc etc would return contact points with civilians. At the end of your shift you clock out at an HQ and get your pay check.
  3. This was me when I realized cop was just a meme to you. Thehurts.
  4. The pressure getting to you now? lol
  5. http://wiki.gaming-asylum.com/8.0_Hype
  6. @Midamaru gettin blacklisted errrrywhere!
  7. Dredd

    Old Prison

    Bamf plays Olympus. Confirmed.
  8. What you just said is blasphemy. Just sayin.
  9. Seems interesting at first but ends up being mysterious in the end. #nottheonepercentshame
  10. Quoted for emphasis. This was justice.
  11. Move the prison-guard mechanic to fed.
  12. Here's the thing that makes Asylum awesome: variables. Send a couple of dudes to bank or fed to distract the cops, or maybe run in groups with overwatch that doesn't give your position away. Make deals with other gangs or plan around them. You can't account for everything but one thing you can? Not acting like an entitled little shit. Thank god it's not easy mode. Go play World of Warcraft for that.
  13. Dredd

    Drones (IRL)

    Well the problem is stabilization really. Most camera systems have some form of built in stabilization through gyros, a gunshot would really jar the quad.
  14. Dredd

    Drones (IRL)

    I didn't think so, QFE! Yeah - instead of spending millions and millions of dollars on development the military contracts private companies to do it.
  15. Dredd

    Drones (IRL)

    Yup! Common off the shelf military application type of thing though.
  16. All good. When FSA decides you are the target something is going to blow up. It's inevitable.
  17. True but it was totally unexpected !
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