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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Innate

  1. New owners legitimately expected the server to fill up simply on the basis that the old owner was gone. Yet they have done nothing different. Releasing a roadmap that was simply a list of ideas with no timeframe attached didn't help. Many of the owners aren't willing to put in the effort to contribute to real updates, and the one who is can hardly code without breaking the entire server, and doesn't take criticism or the opinions of others into account and just does as he sees fit. Lack of good updates and kept promises was a trend with previous ownership, and the new ones are continuing it. There is no future for asylum, there was an opportunity with the wipe with a full server and excited playerbase, yet the developers (current owners) failed to capitalize on this with additional updates. Drastic changes were needed but with 10 players on after a wipe and then also a revamp, I don't see much opportunity for a comeback anymore.
  2. Yeah this isn't a patch this is a hot fix
  3. Sgt+ cartel raiding was removed ages ago for a reason it ruins cartel life, feels backwards to bring it back now.
  4. On the "Senior Admin Additions" post while there was some silly comments, there was also genuine criticism. Don't make a post public just to lock it and purge the comments when feedback you don't want to hear comes in. @Skyand some others had really good points with what they said on there. Such as why have 4 senior staff members, when the current amount of admins and active players doesn't come close to requiring that amount. People would much rather see quality content released over pointless staff additions. @Fitz
  5. Innate

    group limit

    Don't worry you have someone who thinks they are an active CPT
  6. Innate

    Town Bells

    This is one of the things of all time to complain about
  7. Removed from exploiting Shedding/unlipping vehicles into structures Intentionally unflipping a vehicle into a structure/object or closing a door/gate to destroy a vehicle that doesn’t cause the death of another player shall now be considered exploiting.
  8. Added to VDM: Using a plane/helicopter to destroy property will be considered VDM regardless if there is a player inside or not.
  9. Innate


    damn miss you homie
  10. That's art right there L suggestion
  11. I'd rather kill myself than meet anyone on this server
  12. This is content, requirement has to stay tbh
  13. If you voted no you're gay @P.FitzWallace
  14. Innate

    Rebel Camping

    King type suggestion yikes:(
  15. @Junkewant to team up and just kill each other for hours in therisa?
  17. I mean yeah I don't disagree with you, just stating why it was removed in the first place
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