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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Maverick64

  1. I already have to remember my badge number and codes and shit in real life, I ain't doing it ingame too.
  2. I remember when this flooded Facebook last year, glad it's came back around.
  3. We need to go further, and higher, and bigger than ever before next time.
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/id/maverickshadowblade/ I'd like a CoD BO4
  5. I see it getting damaged now, that's a fat rip xD
  6. RIP< didn't even see what caused it?
  7. Tempest (Device) Auto-Gathering I agree with, the rest, nah
  8. 1st bank in 2 years, clapped a kid from 600m for a my first fat lethal, we back
  9. Very, this recent rain has been the most rain since July 4th weekend.
  10. Yeah, watching the mountains you grew up in and hunt in burn to the ground sucks. It's even worse when a whole city can go up in flames with people's business and houses in and around it.
  11. Hey y'all, some of you might know and some might not but there are a large amount wildfires in Tennessee, especially in eastern Tennessee. If any of y'all pray or believe in any religious figure, please pray for the area. This area is just minutes away from me and an entire city, Gatlinburg, is at risk of burning down. These fires also spread up near the DollyWood theme park and the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg. https://www.google.com/search?q=Gatlinburg+fires&oq=Gatlinburg+fires&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.5671j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  12. And Smirnoff casually comes in with the classy reply. I feel these biases about administrators and moderators just comes about after a friend had a "nasty encounter" and then they feel they're out to get them or ruin their experience. This isn't the case at all, they're here to help most of the time and have fun like what @Padrinos does with the black and chrome VTOL I flew not too long ago. They do their job and they also have their fun, people just want excuses as to why they got beat by a staff member and accusing them of abuse is the easiest way.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYX4IU8f9Wo This popped up on my YouTube feed and I almost died laughing, check this out.
  14. Why not message it to him instead of making a thread for everyone else who wasn't involved?
  15. Gonna bring the rest of [VX]? They were always fun to fight.
  16. Just let 'em spray, it's fun to watch and sometimes you get great reactions on why you aren't dead.
  17. Rather keep fleshing out Altis and get it better than it is than start from scratch on something that would be hot for a week before it went under.
  18. Honestly, from the start I expected you to stay spangled on the floor and then a cartel fight break out...
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