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Everything posted by Donald

  1. I don't mind the bells usually but recently feels like they play nonstop. Every time I'm at coke pro they play every 5-10 seconds.
  2. we need shipping robbery back fr
  3. Donald

    Scotch Buff

    All I do is run scotch and I think it’s fine how it is.
  4. seems pretty arbitrary. Not sure how that makes anything more fair than it is now
  5. Have you actually thought this idea through or are you still just rage posting because your money is being wiped
  6. OG asylum is back. Great work fellas
  7. This is awesome. Haven't been this excited to play in forever
  8. Prison is dope. The other stuff on your profile like the Kavala Square/PD redesign, and especially the bridge across Pyrgos Gulf are sick af
  9. making the guns cheaper when they are illegal could solve this
  10. It would be interesting if there was like a weekly ballot that popped up where people could vote on making certain guns illegal or legal for the next week. Adds some democracy to the game. Or if that’s too hard let the governor choose
  11. Why do you think it should be illegal?
  12. I want to walk around Athira LARPing as Jesse James. Vote yes if you love freedom
  13. I lose thousands of braincells every time @manhuaposts on the forums
  14. There were more minutes in this video than there were frags
  15. Donald

    unwhitelist medic

    To be honest I'm not completely against making the faction public again to some degree. I think the issue has to due with regulating medics on the server. If it is completely public, there is no way you can enforce any type of faction specific rules. This means that medics will be swarming cartels, be personal medics for gangs/APD, and be held to zero professional/RP standards. I assume that most would say who cares, but then after they kill someone at a cartel that keeps getting revived multiple times without a cooldown, they're opinion might change. Another issue is the vehicles currently available to the AFD. How will the armored vehicles be regulated? Will they be removed entirely? Or are we going to give every medic hunters and striders and let them run loose? The public medic days were a lot of fun, but its easy to forget the amount of VDM that took place with dirt cheap vans and helicopters. A solution could be to make the vehicles just as expensive as civ, but this makes it difficult for new players to make a profit on medic. It's easy to dismiss the AFD as useless when you spend all of your time on the server fighting cartels or doing federal events. What about the newer and less competitive players who have much more frequent interaction with medics? The new players who get fucked over making money are very often saved by a medic who, if the faction were unwhitelisted, would not come to revive them. I recommend either adding a couple public slots with limited equipment for new players to try it out, or relaxing some restrictions on medics being at cartels/federal events to make them more involved with the cops vs. robbers dynamic.
  16. the LT's aint gon see this bro
  17. getting shit on all the time with the amount of tools at your disposal is definitely a skill issue
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