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Asylum S1 domination feedback thread


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Hi everyone,

Today was the first run of server 1 domination event after the relaunch.

we obviously encountered a few hiccups:

  1. Bugged Capture Point
  2. Permanent bugged Hardpoint Circle Marker
  3. Hospital Respawns
  4. A few unexpected explosions

Despite these issues the event ran smoothly for the most part and I hope you enjoyed it!

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Whether it’s feedback on what you liked or didn't like, suggestions for improvements, or new ideas, everything is welcome.

Looking forward to hear some feedback.


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Full price kits needs to be changed.

The current caps are not optimized for having no smoke. If you are going to continue to no have smokes to save FPS, caps will need re-designed to reduce the amount of roaching. If smokes are re-introduced, dom will need to be moved to S2 to save fps.

I know the idea of S1 dom is to save server pop, however the issue of fps is going to continually come up. Maybe more in-depth cartel events can be held on S1, but I highly recommend dom on S2 for more map choices. 

Edited by operatorjohnny^
Gagss, Fried Rice, Colin. and 2 others like this
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tbh the s1 dom is very boring and very bad and no smokes its like someone opening a NMD Sandbox server on his pc and the gameplay is very bad and its not fun at all. people roaching and people playing like rats because there is no smokes and flags in the middle of nowhere and especially the map even back then in s2 if it was altis map the pop was not that good people want fun maps good maps for dom like utes. You now have luke he is very good in map designing he made s1 look good and fun im sure if you bring s2 again he will make it even better than before. We need s2 back s1 dom is not it.

Edited by Ahm2d
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10 hours ago, operatorjohnny^ said:

Full price kits needs to be changed.

The current caps are not optimized for having no smoke. If you are going to continue to no have smokes to save FPS, caps will need re-designed to reduce the amount of roaching. If smokes are re-introduced, dom will need to be moved to S2 to save fps.

I know the idea of S1 dom is to save server pop, however the issue of fps is going to continually come up. Maybe more in-depth cartel events can be held on S1, but I highly recommend dom on S2 for more map choices. 

omg its johnny

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Domination needs to be on the second server with different maps and more optimized capture points for less roaching. Smokes need to come back. The loadout's cost needs to be reduced. A big population of people just play dom and conquest so don't mess up the opportunity by hosting it at the same times as olympus conquest. And wtf add the psychedelic ifrit skin back

Knight05, Donald and PygrosDonB like this
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The new tp script is great!


Remove the Arms Island and the Peninsula zone.

The zone played today was good, if we can make more like that it would be great.

I'd be willing to help make 2-3 zones around South Pyrgos / North Athira

Some Suggestions

Maybe change it to 2.5K points to win instead of time.

A starting pot prize of already 5 million.

15 percent off on gear while dom active?

Scoreboard at the end of dom while the cut scene is playing



XDDDDDDDDDDD, jsh and xGrizz like this
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I would suggest changing how repacking magazines work.

There's basically no point in repacking magazines since it takes so long. Either make it a progress bar that automatically repacks all magazines when it reaches 100% OR, make it automatically repack magazines for you when you press R to reload.

I personally like the 2nd option because it's a lot more efficient and it's what GTA used when they hosted conflicts.

jsh likes this
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