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Recursion | Competitive [LIMITED]

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Simply put, we are a gang that likes to fight, a gang that likes to win, and we want to be a gang in which an environment to grow and develop all skills necessary to become a better player is provided. This is a cartel oriented gang and we intend on fighting whoever, whenever, and however necessary. Recursion also participates in banks and feds often when fights are not active. We do not mass recruit and we much prefer to have 1 quality player over 6 mediocre players. We are a tight knit group and have all played asylum for many years, we hope some of you will be a good addition to that group.

Prerequisites To Apply:

Financially Stable as well as possession of Ifrits and Orcas or Hummingbirds

Knowledge of ALL Cartel locations

Ability to work well as a team and to keep tactical communications

Cant be scared to lose load outs or fight while outnumbered

Application Format:



Time Zone:


Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):

Asylum Hours (Estimate):

Money(Screenshot) And Ifrits / Helicopters Possessed:

Previous Gang Affiliations:

Who can Vouch for you?:

Why should we accept you into our gang?:

Current Roster:


Stratego @Stratego

Probe @pr0digyt


Orrado @Orrado [May he rest in peace]

Eduardo @eduardo_carvalho16_11

Sikorsky @Wumbo

Jr4life @Jr4life24

Moose @Moose

Devman @devman115

Sliick @Tim-I




Trials Not listed!




Edited by Stratego
BioHazard, Quenton, King and 8 others like this
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 In light of the death of gang life on asylum, we have decided to go back to our roots of recursion and open recruitment to people less then the top breed of player. We are looking for players that play well, communicate well, and contribute to the gang. The reason for opening recruitment is because the only gangs to fight now will only fight with 6 or more players usually , and 2 guys simply isnt enough to deal with that. The idea of Solx was a good one but one that cannot survive in asylums current gang environment. So we are going back to where we started in hopes to find more enjoyment from the server. If this interests you feel free to apply. <3

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Name: Austin

Time Zone: est

Age: 17 (18 in 2 days)

Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): http://prntscr.com/gc0z9d

Asylum Hours (Estimate): all of my hours http://prntscr.com/gc0z9d

Money(Screenshot) And Ifrits / Helicopters Possessed: 1 ifirit 2 orcas (for now) http://prntscr.com/gc0zzn

Previous Gang Affiliations: I only have been in server 4 gangs none that stand out (Currently in Money Squad for $$$$) Decent at fighting / Decent at flying

Who can Vouch for you?: None

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5 hours ago, Austin Dow said:

Name: Austin

Time Zone: est

Age: 17 (18 in 2 days)

Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): http://prntscr.com/gc0z9d

Asylum Hours (Estimate): all of my hours http://prntscr.com/gc0z9d

Money(Screenshot) And Ifrits / Helicopters Possessed: 1 ifirit 2 orcas (for now) http://prntscr.com/gc0zzn

Previous Gang Affiliations: I only have been in server 4 gangs none that stand out (Currently in Money Squad for $$$$) Decent at fighting / Decent at flying

Who can Vouch for you?: None

Accepted TS will be pmed.

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