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Beifang Ming

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Beifang Ming

  1. just rotate it every restart
  2. there use to be a radio in the market with a 4 channels long time ago
  3. +1 we need this for roleplay purposes
  4. this one https://www.twitch.tv/videos/54888610
  5. why would you show us how your dpi glitching?
  6. dp11 is my town @william
  7. Yea it's you ping english bastard
  8. back in the day you could sent anyone at a apd hq great times and in police restains great time xD
  9. and bring back the paintrain https://gyazo.com/3540f75d5a1856a3fdf76e2dc4e08be9
  10. Bring back the justice wagon
  11. like every admin one this server we don't need a other one
  12. for real bring back a modded server that was huge fun if you do that i come back bruh
  13. kill him for me please, rip shooting down orca in dp 11
  14. Is this for real.... i have autism,
  15. No spawn in suïcide vest and admin cam at Cartels kappa
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