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  1. -1 on the increase of houses. My team only joined about a week or two again. We played like WAY back when Atlis life was new, but not for long. We then came back to the server only a week or two ago to actually play. Tbh most of the houses we wanted were already sold. So if anything the house amount should be decreased instead of increased. The only way I would +1 this suggestion is if we take the current cap (5, but 6 with an exploit as @Sp0on just stated) and we reduce it and then you redeem the missing default cap through titles as you suggested... So for example maybe for the 3 titles, you mentioned you get 1 house per title for a total of 3 houses VIA titles. Leaving us with a default cap of 2 (3) and a total cap of 5 (6). I do like the idea of adding something more for titles, currently, my team can make money very fast now and efficiently. So we have just been stocking up on stuff instead of wasting the money in prestige just to get it taxed if we want it out. AKA before we hit 1m we just buy up some choppers/rockets/ifrits/hunters/etc and then we typically will go out and have fun and possibly lose one or two and build up a cash stack on and off while we get to just play around instead of focus on making $
  2. That probably just related to how Arma built the tower object. To my understanding of how servers are built very rarely does anyone make a custom object, and the tower you described is probably one of the Arma built objects. So it really was just Arma's code that is bugged. Who would of guessed
  3. In another post, we were talking about jail time not saving and this is what he had to say about the 2nd update btw -- not a key thing in this one but definitely a key factor for the next update: Also from a quick look at the diff Azeh posted it looks like mainly code cleanup (a lot of bad formatting being fixed). Edit 1: It also looks like he added timers for a few things to give it some time to load which is mainly where we are probably seeing better FPS instead of loading things all at once. Edit 2: Also I saw a few things change from execVM to spawn functions. I'm unsure of this but I would think execVM would take up more memory compared to spawn... So another client memory possible fix which would add more FPS. Edit 3 (final edit): It looks like the last difference I can really find is, he renamed/moved some files (cleaning up the code base) for example: Chair/sitdown.sqf → core/functions/fn_sitDown.sqf He moved Chair/sitdown.sqf script to the core/functions directory (easier to find the core functions) and then once in the functions directory I am guessing there is something in SQF or something they made to load functions globally or he included the directory somewhere so he could call the sit down script as a function instead of an execVM call. This has to do with my 2nd edit of him changing execVM's to spawn functions, He more than likely has to move that script to the functions directory so he can call it with spawn instead of execVM and calling a function is faster and less RAM then opening/parsing a script (AKA optimization) Explanation of execVM vs Spawn functions: The reason is I believe execVM probably does what it says executes a Virtual Machine, and if anyone knows anything about VM's they eat RAM hence it slows down the server if too much RAM is used. Most of you have probably built a PC before and probably don't care too much about RAM but its a big thing for hosting. There is always a bunch of stuff going on in a temporary situation where you only need to store it temporarily and move on. For example, your player in the game is not static (not the same all the time) its dynamic (that means it changes). This is one way RAM can be used but typically in my line of work we could be going through a calculation where you are trying to count something up so first you do 100 + 100 = 200 -- well you have to store 200 somewhere so you store it in a variable named $number, well $number has to be held in RAM because sooner or later the script exits and that $number variable needs to be destroyed from RAM because its no longer relevant, by using execVM you use that RAM by using the VM, by using spawn you call a function already included in the file you have open which will still use RAM when executing the function but WAY less. The only file I did not code review was the mission.sqm and that's mainly cause that thing must be huge and doesn't want to load... But that's my break down from an outside developers point of view at least, I tried to simplify it as simple as possible for you guys. PS. I don't do any programming in SQF or know much about the language or who @Poseidon is but he's doing a good job and definitely knows what he is doing you can tell just by the quality of the diff Azeh provided (Thanks btw for that Azeh).
  4. We like to call what your intentions are in that pseudo code, a dirty hack. Probably don't care but surrounding things in [ ] makes an array in most languages so placing an if statement inside an array isn't a good idea, you will typically see if statements doing something like if (cocaine_pit == exist) { cocaine_pit = vertical; } And you don't check if cocaine_pit = exist you check == or ===, doing = exist would set the variable cocaine_pit to exist while the others checks if cocaine_pit is exist. As for "then" you sometimes see this in python and other languages that have "simple" code but majority languages use { } as shown above whatever is placed within the { } is basically the then if the if statement is not true then whatever is in that if statement is not executed. Like I said, probably don't care but maybe someone does
  5. You made a fair point, but notice I wasn't suggesting a 25x as Clint stated at first. I was questioning something like a 4x (DMS as blocker suggested). At first, it was a question of equipment but just thinking of a response to your last comment, your right it's not about the equipment. However, we are removing an entire class of military strategy (long range shots/snipers). By removing that strategy you also remove the ability to play that aspect in life. A good example of that is a previous comment that I stated before is "I have a sniper on you don't move" (not that you cant do this already, but its available for more of the players that are not as skillful with an RCO). Is now a real RP scenario. Also 2x -> 4x is not this game killing thing that we need to suggest Launchers/Tanks etc. An AA launcher completely kills the gameplay for any flying in the game. The only way to counter it is to add flares/counterattack (armed helis) in which we don't want to terrorize the server with RDM. And a Tank is just downright stupid to add, too powerful for the armory that is available.
  6. I mean there is 1st ATM then another ATM building of the same model (bank) so our team call's it 2nd ATM. Just different people call it different things, sometimes we say 2nd ATM sometimes we say bank. I don't understand how everyone on this forums gets so upset over the smallest things. It's kinda hilarious actually.
  7. I am. I'm not complaining, Also it's not skilled its the raw fact that you can hit consistent shots better with an 8x/4x than a 2x and its the right equipment for the job, You don't see recon units in the military scouting with a 2x cause of their "skill", they bring the right equipment for the job... and it was a simple question of "why" if you read the original thread. Also, this thread has been finished already, so please stop bringing up an already solved question:
  8. Obviously, you cannot read the category or the thread. Maybe this will clear it up for you when the thread ended but people like you still cannot read and are still replying nonsense.
  9. No one was answering, and servers are still getting annoying so I just went ahead and made the code: You can view it Here Here is the code if yall wanna use it, just install PHP (You shouldnt have to considering the forums is using PHP -- but dunno if your web server and game servers are on the same server). I was also thinking while making this all your servers are on different IP's soooo basically an alternative to what I made is we make the navbar on the left point to each hosted ip share of the same file that way when you use one of the buttons the directory is used locally for the server. Anyways heres the code if yall have any questions just ask.. Kinda doubt anyone cares considering this died but I thought if I wrote the code up you might think about using it instead of letting this die out. asylum.php: <html> <head> <title>Home</title> <link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico"> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.2.9/semantic.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/semantic-ui/2.2.9/semantic.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css"> <style> body { background: #232526; /* fallback for old browsers */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #414345, #232526); /* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */ background: linear-gradient(to right, #414345, #232526); /* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, Firefox 16+, Chrome 26+, Opera 12+, Safari 7+ */ overflow: auto; } .contentContainer { margin-top: 5rem; margin-left: 18rem; margin-right: 5rem; height: 80%; text-align: center; } .contentDiv { text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; color: white; } #nav { font-size: 1.2em; box-shadow: -1px 5px 10px 5px black; } #nav a.item:hover:not(.active) { background-color: black; color:white; opacity: .5; } .contentPoint { font-size: 1.2em; margin-bottom: 15px; display:block; } .dashContentPoint { font-weight: bolder; } .item h3 { margin: 0; } .active { background: #333 !important; opacity: .5; color: white !important; cursor: default !important; } .fa { margin-right: 10px; width: 20px; } .server { display: none; } .startFunction { width: 300px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="nav" class="ui left fixed vertical menu"> <div class="item" style="background: #333;"> <h3 style="text-align: center; color: white;">Asylum Server Restarter</h3> </div> <a class="item active" data-container="one"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>Server 1</a> <a class="item" data-container="two"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>Server 2</a> <a class="item" data-container="three"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>Server 3</a> </div> <div id="server_one" class="contentContainer activeServer"> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 1 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 5 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 10 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 15 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 20 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (1) restart 30 min</button><br><br> </div> <div id="server_two" class="contentContainer server"> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 1 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 5 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 10 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 15 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 20 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (2) restart 30 min</button><br><br> </div> <div id="server_three" class="contentContainer server"> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 1 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 5 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 10 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 15 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 20 min</button><br><br> <button class="startFunction ui button blue" data-dir="./lul.exe">Server (3) restart 30 min</button><br><br> </div> </body> </html> <script> $(document).on('click', '.startFunction', function() { let dir = $(this).data('dir'); $.ajax({ url: './asylum_functions.php', data: { action: 'run', request: dir }, type: 'post', success: function(output) { alert(output); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '#nav .item', function() { let container = $(this).data('container'); $('#nav .item.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('.activeServer').addClass('server'); $('.activeServer').removeClass('activeServer'); $('#server_'+container).removeClass('server'); $('#server_'+container).addClass('activeServer'); }); </script> asylum_functions.php: <?php if(isset($_POST['action']) && !empty($_POST['action'])) { $dir = $_POST['request']; switch($_POST['action']) { case 'run': run($dir); break; default: throw new Exception("Action not found: {$_POST['action']}"); break; } } function run($dir) { exec($dir); echo "Successfully executed the script."; } ?>
  10. I think it would be a much better option if jail time just saved.. That would be nice.
  11. I won't even act like I know about the SWAT team's procedures. But I do have a lot of firearm experience. I cant see the SWAT team increasing the distance and increasing the room for error with wind/distance. Maybe a building away is a bit of an understatement maybe a few buildings is more accurate. But some hill out east sounds like a 1,000M+ shot -- Not to say it cant be hit and cant be done consistently. But there is more room for error in which a civilian can be harmed. Also, you never know. Maybe the demand for brooms is very high
  12. Im not saying its impossible or anything. Just under armed. In real life a swat team will go a building away with something like a 4x to get accurate shots. Because a scope just means more accuracy.
  13. Explains why you dont care then. Also not saying you cant make the shot with a 2x. Just saying in a normal scenario someone wouldnt be on 2nd ATM building with a 2x they would use a 4x-8x to avoid the unavoidable breath sway (without holding your breath) that increases compared to 4x and 2x. Its not a matter of skill its a question of why are the rebels underarmed in the scenario. Another thing that I liked about the idea of scopes is “I have a sniper on you” is not dead RP if this was added.
  14. You must be the team that stacks their entire squad in the bank building instead of taking advantage of the rest of the area.
  15. I have an ROG from the same model but different number that runs a 1070, I use that for my work computer but also because I travel sometimes I use it for gaming. I also leave it hooked up to a race simulater with VR so considering I can play VR on a sim I think it should be able to handle Arma 3. HOWEVER under any gpu load this thing gets hot (80-90’s). I had to underclock the gpu and cpu to combat this
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