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  1. WTF IS THIS, straight up rip off the name WTF IS THIIIIIS!! The Real Outfits does not approve ooh and btw this "Ö" is the real Outfits tag
  2. Got damn @Painbringa112 told you to lower that mic boi !
  3. maan fuck ima about to sleep
  4. 10 out of fucking 10, please come back @Durga
  5. You and your damn videos, inb4 take down
  6. cuz 90% is the same shit from the other 11 videos (haven't watched yours) add that up and we have watched the same montage with a different song for 2 years almost.
  7. Well someone has to start some where and im willing to try some shit out and see what can be done, 50cal prob wont come back unless MK1s are remvoed
  8. Yeah but if you know anything I can do just tell me, I know i might be slow in the head sometimes but still xD
  9. WOW rude No but any feedback I can get on how I could try and improve the RP would be nice, I agree aswell the RP is shit to what it use to be even though I haven't been on the APD for as long as u where i've still seen it as a civ
  10. I can't make that call but if u have any ides on how we can improve P3 please let me know, I hate the way it's going so im all ears.
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