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  1. Past hour
  2. same complaints same arguments everytime this is at least the 100th time this topic has come up, please improve upon your skill issues and stop crying if you cant deal with a chinese gang then you may need to reflect a little upon yourself 🤣
  3. Can we keep the post in English please?
  4. Today
  5. My Habibi Ahmed would never cheat
  6. The fact that you were subjected to such a horrific sight......I would apply for disability benefits. Surely you have PTSD. Inconsiderate bastard. Momento mori my friend, momento mori.
  7. What i know that your old guy like 30+ so im not gonna respond to you and embarrass you old fuck + Spend more 10 years in the game to get better until your 40 and then kys lol
  8. With the exception of athira, market houses are all over. You just have to spend the time to look for them
  9. Played with these guys for a few weeks now and holy shit they are insane at the game!! I recommend every new player to apply here!!
  10. the difference between 30ping and 130 ping is not as crazy as 30ping and 300 ping. the worst part is there is a select few that play consistently with 180-240 ping that aren't Chinese. for me as an example. i get 240 some days. i dont make or break a fight. ( yes i know im not god tier cartel fighter like yourself) But when there's 10 of these cunts running 300+ ping who dont even know enough English to communicate other than HANDS UP OR DIE it makes the average players experience cancer and it also makes or breaks a fight when your a gang of 3-6 up against them. how do you expect the average player to have fun on the server when there's 10 deep with 300 ping lagging around the cartel/event 1 shotting you, while tanking 10 to the head.
  11. Chinese protesting this post like:
  12. They could make tents persist through a few restarts. Will help the newbies out a little. Maybe even let them spawn in it if they have <100 hrs or something. It could even add more RP for cops like a illegal camping charge if its set up in town. We need an in-game skid row! 🤪
  13. Region lock ping lock do something plz
  14. This and a store all button for vehicle/housing inventory
  15. No it's deeper than that, Chow wants the entire server killed. He's evil. A double sleeper agent for olympus. That's why he made all the suggestions about National Fed and Oil Rig and then it got changed like a day later. Some men don't want money or power they just want to watch the world burn. 具有讽刺意味的是,当你们国家在独裁者和大屠杀者的统治下,以入侵威胁强行迫使其他国家加入你们的国家,并以极端的审查制度和任何违反小熊维尼权威独裁统治的自由尝试来惩罚自己的公民时,你们称我为希特勒。
  16. @Akula can you comment on the allegations against you? Are you a scammer?
  17. Its time consuming to have to keep opening the prompt and scroll through all the vehicles one by one.
  18. blud doesnt know what racism is, xenophobia is what this is. But yes i definitely agree that this whole post is just bs icl all the Crimson freaks (which i believe is your gang) doesnt witchhunt anyone, but rather everyone. I have yet to have a Crimson member accept comp for accidents and just want people banned, couldn't tell you why they want the whole server banned
  19. Go shoot up a school to calm yourself abit rather
  20. Keep talking shit about my boyfriend and you'll find your entire family backed over with my honda civic you absolute runt lick human being. You're lucky you live so far away or else you'd be in my torture dungeon reciting Chow Mein's Little Red Book.
  21. My guy fried rice getting some Yuans to say this things
  22. Sorry I was just confused because you guys have a higher ping than me and your argument is “it’s a defining factor”. We fight EU on dom all the time and they lag like crazy, yet we aren’t witch hunting on the fourms to remove them.
  23. You are delusional . Eu ping was never a problem for anyone nobody ever seriously thought its a problem it's not game breaking like 300 ping is , this server was always 50/50 eu / na
  24. Most retarded statement I've ever heard, when they're hitting the ping cap which is nearly triple our ping that's when it's a problem. EU people play on NA servers in every game, CS, Valorant, League but when do you ever see china playing on NA or EU? you don't because they are region locked or 300 ping is unplayable for them/us. we aren't saying they're unkillable, we're not saying they destroy us read my post, I said they're fun fights, long good fights but it's ridiculous that 2-300 ping is the norm.
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