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  1. GravL liked a post in a topic by Heidelberg in Medic - Coveralls   
    Whitelist the medic-slot and implement this. +1
  2. GravL liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in RDM: Arma 3 to Real life   
    A. I am a Software Engineer at IBM
    B. I have been here for three years thats how this place works, if you dont like it leave.
    C. The admins involved with any opinion on a ban do it individually and have no prior establishments with the banned player
  3. GravL liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in RDM: Arma 3 to Real life   
    Listen bitch this aint no pixel , you aint sitting in jail for four hours cause you shot some kid from Boats N Hoes in kavala.
    If you dont like getting rdmed then get the fuck out of kavala and if you dont like the fact that accidents can happen and admins time could be used in places other then comping your fucking backpack with A TOOL KIT IN IT , then leave.
    You got the time to type up a storm, then go read the rules you would find that admins can't handle there own gang's reports and you could have that taken care of if this was really something that bothered you that much.
  4. GravL liked a post in a topic by Heidelberg in Content Ideas   
    This sounds like a neat idea, if it was transferred to the old place with the new mechanics and some overhauls to fix some of its issues.
  5. GravL liked a post in a topic by ogrexo in Content Ideas   
    that would be sick, also would having custom gang houses/ donor houses be available. I think that would be very nice
  6. GravL liked a post in a topic by Nicolas March in Content Ideas   
    A honor tree but for rebel
  7. GravL liked a post in a topic by Lorax in Content Ideas   
    Rebel talent tree
  8. GravL liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in Content Ideas   
    1. Removing stupid caps like cocaine castle , North Wongs.
    2. Get rid of that garbage bolt cut shit at the Fed, add stairs to the bank atms,  and move the prison again. We get it you don't like it but keep trying we appreciate the attempt but if we don't like it were not going to pretend we do.
    3. Add some new content or bring back old stuff. Maybe bring back an old style of cartels , reduce the money in come by half and make it go straight to gang bank on ownership.  Then if that's popular slightly increase gang cap but not group cap. People bitch about roaching but people roach because theres no point in owning a cap when you can camp rebel and just steal the money
    4. We don't need get rich schemes , just make most methods of making money decent. Why aren't diamonds good? Why isn't oil back to the old way where you can go to an oil spout and get it in a car? Why does the crafting system suck balls for making money?
    5. Switch shit up or add random shit. New stuff is new stuff it can always be taken away just take risks. You guys make these amazing events why not use a little of that brain power and make something temporarily as an ingame thing
  9. GravL liked a post in a topic by Philv2.0 in Content Ideas   
    @Olio Bring back Asylum Exchange....and bring back the old prison. New one is trash.
    Change it to where legal ways of making money are actually worth the time? Kavala was awesome when people actually went diamond mining, fishing, excavating and were just populating the city.
  10. GravL liked a post in a topic by Pippi in Content Ideas   
    Bring back pyrgos prison
  11. GravL liked a post in a topic by The Weeb in Content Ideas   
    First! Finally for once in my life.
    Modded server that won't mem leak
    But in all seriousness a modded server would be nice again. Obviously not australia again but just one with new weapons clothing and vehicles on a smaller map even cherno would work prob
  12. GravL liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Group cap   
    It will be better if we just remove group cap so we can all be in the same group and run cocaine on S5.
  13. GravL liked a post in a topic by Boris in Favourite Pornstar   
    You can't beat a bit of Sasha Grey.
    Her ass could stop wars.
  14. GravL liked a post in a topic by George in Favourite Pornstar   
    Julia Ann or Piper Perri 
  15. GravL liked a post in a topic by Smee in Favourite Pornstar   
    in B4 lock

  16. GravL liked a post in a topic by Reapered in APD Senior Staff be like...   
    My dad owns the APD, im gonna get you blacklisted
  17. GravL liked a post in a topic by Ken.. in Bounty hunting to difficult?   
    You're in kavala. Thats your problem right there
  18. GravL liked a post in a topic by Brandon in Bounty hunting to difficult?   
    im a bh and i say -1 to this whole post you need a group to properly bounty hunt. i feel your pain i really do, but i solo bounty hunt so my one rule is dont mess with gangs unless they mess with you first. also its not the wanted person's fault you wont leave kavala. i just use kavala as a base of operations but at least im willing to leave. and if they are in red zones that gives you an advantage, its called grab an mx with rco and binocs scout the area out and if it looks like you can take em snipe the shit out of em without saying a word cause you know its a red zone.
  19. GravL liked a post in a topic by massi in Whitelisted Medics   
    I hope there will not be an age requirement
  20. GravL liked a post in a topic by Kettles in Server 3 from 3 years ago   
    I never realized how true this was until you came out and dropped this truth bomb. Just recently, I have noticed cops breaking RP more frequently, "You can't do that, that's exploiting", "Nice RDM" and a few other things. This shit never happened back then, at least not with Constables or higher, and any cop that did that shit was swiftly dealt with. I do agree with the idea to impose a more strict RP standard for the APD. I remember kidnapping APD officers and getting a fun RP experience but now they just go AFK and disconnect after their 10 minutes is up.
  21. GravL liked a post in a topic by Olivia in Server 3 from 3 years ago   
    Possibly controversial opinion incoming.  I think that removing rules from the GB in order to make cop more lax and easy to play has been a very destructive decision for our force. 
    It all originated because Paratus decided to play as cop once and was overwhelmed by the number of rules and felt he couldn't keep track of them all.  Well of course that would happen, he's not involved in the APD at all.  We shouldn't calibrate the APD for a quasi-absent dev who plays cop twice a year.
    If the APD rules were more strict, then the bad cops will get weeded out more easily.  Players that tend to spend 98% of their time on rebel will have a harder time switching over to cop without more rigorously keeping up to date with the rules.  The cops that are immature, vindictive, ignorant, or who abuse civilian rights, hold grudges, don't know the rules, and act unprofessional will get removed. 
    Sure, setting the bar high might scare off or remove some officers, but I know that there are cops here that care, that deserve respect and that would work hard regardless.  We might filter out a lot of officers, but I know that what we would be left with... is a really damn good batch of officers.
  22. GravL liked a post in a topic by Rock Hardick in Server 3 from 3 years ago   
    If you are reading this, there is no doubt you know who I am. I have been a Cadet for 3 years and I was at one point the most known cop on the APD. Renowned for my RP and relationships with both APD and civilians, I know what makes the server fun. Server 3 from 3 years ago is without a doubt the best example of a perfect server and I would like to explain to you how it differs and offer assistance in returning Asylum to its former glory.
    It is no secret that the state the servers are in is less than desirable. The problem is not the gangs, the content, nor the lack of RP from civilians. The backbone of the server and what leads the RP in the server should be and has always been the APD. When I joined 3 years ago, there were rules. These rules are either vastly different or are simply not being followed today. The most important is that RP was not an option, it was a requirement. What is not being taught right now is the importance of RP. 3 years ago, in order to play on the APD you had to RP. In order to get a promotion you had to show exemplary RP and had to have specific RP instances witnessed by Lieutenants that impressed them. As it stands, the APD is nothing more than finding bounties and giving tickets. Granted that this is an important part of the game that gives consequence to actions, it is only half of what the APD is for. Civilians cannot RP without the cops and without RP, and they cannot RP with the cops if the cops are not going to RP with them, and without RP the game is merely a drug running simulator.
    Frankly, the main part of RP from the APD that stood as a good standard to keep people on track was the forced professionalism. We were supposed to act as though we were real police officers who could not break character, could not act in a way that cops would not act in real life, and be the perfect example of professionalism. The point of this was to make the civilians feel that they were being stopped by police officers, not some teenagers on a computer. The immersion would incite fear, respect, and easy flowing RP.
    I have witnessed every day since my return paintballing (shooting fellow officers), random discharge of weapons, breaking character, disrespecting higher ups, general immaturity, and lack of respect for the APD rules. This is not the APD I remember, and thus, the server has taken a hit where it appears to be at an all time low. No RP, just shooting, drug running, and tickets. Cops are no longer fun to be in confrontation with, instead, they are seen as either a nuisance or targets.
    I would like to discuss with the Captains and perhaps the Devs, Gnashers and Olio, and whomever else would need to be involved to do an overhaul. We need to get the guidebook and regulations up to date to reinstate RP as a requirement. We need to once again set the standard for professionalism and include it in the training and cadet week. Cadets should not have civilian privileges, they need to spend the week having enough hours learning the ropes and having an example set for them. It is one week, we all did it, they will live. We need role models and retraining for everyone, including Lieutenants. Perhaps bringing back old help - such as Durga, Shkar, and Leonhearts.
    The goal is to make Asylum fun again for the civilians and the cops. We can make the server golden again, we can MAKE ASYLUM GREAT AGAIN. If we could set aside 30 minutes or so to get everyone together and discuss what we can do and change, would fixing the server not be worth it?
    Let me know, looking forward to it.
    Asylum lacks RP and it makes it horrible compared to 3 years ago. Simple solution to fix it: Go back to roots. Willing to spitball ideas with Captains and Devs.
    Worth the read though.
  23. GravL liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in New to the islands   
    This should help you get started
    Pro tip, stay out of Kavala. The world is much larger than you think. 
    @Cody Ryan
  24. GravL liked a post in a topic by Bishop in New to the islands   
    Welcome to the most autistic community out there! You can compare us to 4chan
  25. GravL liked a post in a topic by massi in Drug Fields   
    you're in the dogs, you're more than capable to kill cops
    you could 1v12 any gang any day
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