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Everything posted by dog.

  1. domT is the new secret developer I guess @all
  2. so I can bomb kavala with 8 suicide vests and laugh as I watch it burn!
  3. the only thing I want from that dlc is the leg backpack and the van!
  4. I'm about to show you the power of the elements!
  5. dog 1 million to fund for my new dog house and fight cartels <###
  6. nutty tage weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. yea I am you fucking RETARD
  8. its not even zurph ted is his biggest fan lmao!
  9. Tanoa sucks but stratis will never die!
  10. got boring when Jwilly gave William admin
  11. We don't need numbers to beat your sandbag gang. This gang is made for teaching newer players.
  12. Accepted ts will be p.m. shortly
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