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APD Sergeant
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Posts posted by Olivia

  1. I like to imagine that when Asylum is dead and gone, there won't be any historical records of what happened here, just a collection of memes, gifs and videos that have community member names photoshopped in.  (Like the dog meat Hitler video, the Freddie patch 7.0 video...)  Future internet archivists would get so confused trying to figure out who everyone is and what actually happened.  :lol:

  2. On 9/15/2016 at 6:41 PM, AegonTargaryenTv said:

    Interesting thing from today that me and some lt's found interesting: 

    If i see someone die on the road and drop heroin upon his death do i have probable cause to search the vehicle ? 

    Sorry I missed this post, would have replied sooner.  

    I ran into scenarios like this when I was a Constable and remember the answer from the old forums.  When there are items on the ground (say, briefcases of weed at the weed field) and there's very clearly only one person who could have dropped the items, you can get probable cause if you can sufficiently RP with the civilian that the earth swallows items after about 10 mins, no one else could have dropped it, etc.  

    Now vehicles are a different scenario.  The heroin could have been dropped by a passenger who did not have keys to the car or maybe an innocent pedestrian who was run over, in which case you would not have probable cause to search the vehicle.  Unless you are completely certain that the owner of the heroin had keys to the car, seeing the drugs on the ground would not give probable cause.

    9 hours ago, Cooper said:

    If somebody turns themself in and then their gang tries to violently rescue them would the person who turned himself in get a 100% ticket rather than 50% or less?

    Yes, you are correct.  GB 4.4 E4) states

    "Violent rescue attempt: If a suspect's gang members or associates attempt to rescue them violently, they will lose their chance to talk themselves out of a 100% ticket."

    Just like 4.4 E1) "Manslaughter of APD personnel", a violent rescue attempt will override any non-aggressive and non-evasive behavior like turning yourself in.  So in those instances their ticket price would be 100%.  I used to have a citation for this on the old forums.  While 4.4 E1) is an older policy that I don't see used as much these days, it is still in place and does override the 50% off for non-aggressive and non-evasive.

    On a side note, to prevent violent rescue attempts you can always follow the High Value Target (HVT) Policy that was previously posted by @Gnashes on the old forums.  Though it is not included in official APD documentation, it has been common procedure for years and I will treat it as such unless a Captain+ says otherwise.


  3. 44 minutes ago, Rhys Priestland said:

    Hello there.


     Sorry to be quite a newbie towards the log system!

     How does it work? If I'd like to become a corporal and need a 50:50 active play time, Can I play on server 3 & 2 (precinct), Or would I be bound to just a single one?. I play Civ mainly on these two servers, but I'd hate to cut the time i've been playing into two. Is it all merged into one database/sheet?




    Rhys Priestland

    Your playtime logs equally on all 5 servers so don't worry about which server you play on. 

    And keep in mind that though you are required to play 50% as cop, you can play more than that!  Some people seem to think they're required to play civilian, and though understanding both factions will make you a well rounded officer, it is not required.

    Kind regards

    BioHazard likes this
  4. 2 minutes ago, Brendon Smith said:

    Yes more shooting areas but they couldnt have done it in a way more visualy appealing?

    Performance >>> Looks

    I personally think it looks fine in person.  Bamf just took an unflattering photo of it.  He needs to learn the art of the Myspace angle. :P 

    ₴avagє likes this
  5. 9 minutes ago, Scott said:

    I agree, it does look cluttered but I bet it will be a much more enjoyable fight now.

    The positive side of the "cluttered" look is that there are more positions to shoot from and every position has a flank or a counter.  With so many different angles of attack each bank should be radically different and there should always be new strats to try.  (At least in theory.)

    My concern is that with the increased complexity of the bank, there may need to be an increased timer.  We'll have to see once everyone gets used to the new layout.  SWAT might also have to have their spawns redesigned, hard to say.  

    Huge +1 for putting a new spin on these stale battles though!  HYPE

    Brendon Smith likes this
  6. On 9/8/2016 at 2:38 AM, Phantom Viper said:

    I recently searched a vehicle while processing him and it found like $500 worth of contraband in it but tthe guy(a friend) had no drugs on his person, only lock-picks. He told me there were only lock-picks in the car and I believe him. I think that that lock-picks are now showing up as contraband in cars and that could be very confusing for many officers including myself. Imagine someone with lock-picks found near pygros and an officer doesn't realize when searching that they are just lock-picks and gives them a meth charge. There is a 10k bounty for someone who is innocent of that crime. What should we do to prevent this?

    (sry if this is in the wrong place it is just where I thought to put it)

    @Sean That Irish Guy is correct here.  Diamond tip drills are $500 each when a vehicle is searched and if I'm not mistaken, Demo Charges and Bolt Cutters are $500 each as well.  (Gold bars are $2k each for those that are curious.)  

    I believe lockpicks are around $10-15 each.  So a vehicle with drugs in the trunk should show a contraband value at least an order of magnitude higher than a vehicle with only lockpicks.  (Most unprocessed drugs are at least $100 each I believe and it's uncommon to have only 1 or 2 of those in a vehicle at a time.)

    Whenever a vehicle has contraband and the officer does not know what contraband it was, usually we:

    1. Check the civilian's backpack to see if they have more contraband that could indicate what the vehicle had. 
    2. If the civilian self-incriminates (admits to what contraband is in the vehicle) and their answer seems plausible or if the civilian can RP as to what contraband they have ("I'm a repo man so I carry tons of lockpicks!") then proceed from there.
    3. If the above 2 steps fail, charge with possession of the nearest drug (Athira is Cocaine, Pyrgos is Meth, etc.) as long as the dollar amount makes sense (i.e. don't charge Possession of Meth/Ephedra if they're in Pyrgos and side chat only shows $100.)  If at the Fed, assume it's Demo Charges/Gold Bars, if it's a boat assume turtle meat etc.  "Common" sense.  : )
    RomanRunsCA, BioHazard and Sp0on like this
  7. 19 hours ago, Dpatt711 said:

    Do we still have probable cause to pull someone over who off-roads >10m? Looks like guidebook was reworded to only include driving off-road to avoid checkpoints.

    Check Ticketing Guide C-06 description.  10+ meters with no RP reason is still probable cause to search someone.  But you can, of course, pull somebody over at any time for RP reasons or if you have suspicions of wrong-doing (but no probable cause.)

  8. On 9/2/2016 at 2:08 PM, Dpatt711 said:

    If you witness a crime such as attempted auto-theft which requires illegal items, but the person immediately pays their bounty off at the courthouse, do you still have probable cause to search for lock-picks and seize them?

    This is a tricky situation.  Good question.  If you witnessed the crime first hand, you would have probable suspicion that they could have more lockpicks (even though they could have just used their last one.)  So yes, depending on the situation you could most likely search for and seize the lockpicks.  HOWEVER, read on...
    Paying off a bounty at a courthouse would not clear them of any charges that need to be added nor would it "erase" Probable Cause.  On the contrary, if a BH sends them to jail, they jail themselves at a courthouse, or any cop tickets/jails/processes/pardons/lethals them, they would have a completely clean slate meaning Probable Cause resets and it would be too late to add charges like Evading Arrest, Attempted etc. unless they committed those crimes again.
    • Example:  You lethal a suspect, pardon them, then a medic revives them on scene.  If they still have an illegal firearm you can still seize and charge for the weapon.  However you could NOT also charge them for Attempted Manslaughter, Evading Arrest etc. because by going lethal you forfeited your chance to process them normally and add those charges.
    • Example: imagine if you see a guy in weed field who has 1 Hit and Run.  He doesn't evade arrest but he manages to pay off his bounty before you're able to talk to him.  You could still search him because paying his ticket doesn't "erase" the fact that you saw him in the weed field.
    I would use caution when approaching situations like these.  The grey areas I have listed are complex.  Remember 2.0 C3a) regarding probable cause: "... you will run into grey areas. They must be approached with legitimate role-play."  This means it would be better to RP with the civ about whether or not he still has lockpicks (and if he can out roleplay you let him go, he "won"), rather than to enter the conversation with your mind set on the idea that "He must have lockpicks and I HAVE to seize them according to policy."
    When in doubt, ask a higher up.  If you can't get an answer remember that it is always better for one criminal to get away than for an officer to overstep their bounds, 2.0 C3c)
  9. 2 hours ago, Buckwalter said:

    Clearly it was so beautiful that you've experienced some sort of stroke haha

    EDIT: Just to be clear, it's a joke. It's like that on purpose. Please don't hurt me hahaha

    Even though your indenting is all over the place, at least 1 tab = 4 spaces.  I once worked with a guy who had 1 tab = 3 spaces and I think he might have been psychopathic...

  10. 43 minutes ago, Mike Santamaria said:

    sorry to comment here I know I shouldn't but your answer is on 4.6 E :)

    If you down or lethal the pilot of a helicopter and it crashes, pardon every person who died in the crash. If you destroy the rotor(s) and/or engine of a helicopter, the pilot crashes and all occupants die, you do NOT have to pardon the occupants. The same applies to all vehicles (cars, trucks, go-karts, boats, helis, planes etc.)


    I added 4.6 E because of Dpatt711's suggestion (it was previously in the 4.6 D sub examples which didn't make as much sense.)  It was not there at the time of him asking ;)

    Mike Stmria likes this
  11. 28 minutes ago, Dpatt711 said:

    Is this only for aerial craft though? If I down the driver of a car, it hits a pole and blows up, do I have to pardon in that situation as well? 

    Yes this would apply to all cars, trucks, go-karts, boats, helis, planes etc.  It's rarer to run into this situation with vehicles that are not helis, but yes it would apply to all vehicles.

  12. 3 hours ago, Dpatt711 said:

    Do we still pardon helicopter pilot/passenger if we down them and they crash? I've heard it repeated a thousand times over but no one has ever been able to back it up with the guide book or heli doc. They aren't in our custody so it doesn't fall under 4.6.

    The Guidebook 4.6 D examples describe the situation you're talking about here, however you are correct that 4.6 D itself only is referring to suspects in our custody.  I will look into better wording for this.  

    As a reminder if you lethal or down the pilot, pardon everyone who dies in the crash.  If you take out the rotor(s) and/or engine and it crashes, you do NOT have to pardon anyone.

    Ray. likes this
  13. Well someone's got to say it: this video was immensely less interesting than the last one.  The last video had hilarious editting at least (even though it left me feeling disillusioned.)

    Hide behind a wall > throw flashbangs at cops 20-150 meters away > don't get to see victim's reaction > run away > repeat.


  14. 2 minutes ago, NotSoNutty said:

    Ye, just give us like a "Cop Menu" on restrained civs, in this menu all the options like jail, seize .... , parole, search, etc, etc. +1 on this Olivia! :)

    Woah, even better idea!  Though it would require a larger refactor of the current system I'd assume.  I could probably make some UI mockups for that, hmm...!!

    IAmLegion and NotSoNutty like this
    1. Remove "Revoke BH license" scrollwheel option
    2. Remove "Revoke Driver's license" scrollwheel option
    3. Modify "Seize all Illegal item(s)" scrollwheel option to open a sub menu that looks something like the "Add charges" menu.  Here the cop gets the following options:
      1. Seize BH license
      2. Seize Firearms license
      3. Seize Drivers license
      4. Seize Firearm and Gear
        1. Seizes firearm, mags, scopes, grenades, suppressors.
        2. Seizes police gear (vest, clothes, hat) and suicide vest.  (So anything that's not Y inventory.)
      5. Seize contraband
        1. All drugs, speed bombs, lockpicks, diamond tip drills, demo charges etc.
      6. Seize money (marked as illegal by drug dealers/runners.)


    If it's not already clear, this should be added because:

    • Too many times cops seize legal firearms from civilians who only have contraband or drugs on them.
    • Fewer scrollwheel options makes everyone happier.


    It could look something like this (image borrowed from Legit):


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