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  1. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Heidelberg in Police Issued A-164's   
    God bless. 
    We still need the M4 Sorcherer for when Kavala gets too hectic.
  2. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Twinkie in Ski mask system Revamped Exclusively for Rebels   
    I think its a stupid idea and shoulnt be added. <3
  3. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by FudgeR in Looks like 64-bit wasn't the solution to mass kicks   
    Asylum still has to upgrade to 64 bit 
  4. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Subaru in Lt + not talking to whitelisted people on TS3   
    Looking into this.. If you're still waiting when I get home... I'll interview you myself.. Please take this time to review the documents that were linked in your application. 
    Thank you for being patient. 
  5. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Olivia in Suicide Vest identification   
    You guys tease, but this information is actually helpful for newer players.
    When I was making my legal/illegal gun guide, I got so many requests for images of what all the guns look like (because newer players couldn't distinguish an SDAR from a Katiba etc.)  It may be easy for you vets, but if you're a new player or a career cop I promise you won't have the time to inspect a suicide vest up close before you turn into minced meat ; )
  6. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Super Bumbi in When you are looking for a gang so bad...   
    Hey come on now, there's no reason to create a forum post on a guy that could possibly get Witch Hunted.
    It's understandable that he's applying to several gangs simply due to the fact that most of them have very high requirements and in the end most of the time you'll get denied.
    Come on
  7. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Big Mike22 in When you are looking for a gang so bad...   
    That guy is desperate.  
  8. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by GH05T in Arma Patch and 64bit   
    I like the new walls around cocaine. Did Trump build them?
  9. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Guest in Arma Patch and 64bit   
    All the servers have now been updated. As for 64bit executables on the server, Paratus is hoping to get it done yet this week (no guarantees), BUT this just depends on how big of a job it will be to convert everything over....and the issues with the below starting to unfold.
    Paratus is aware of the following issues with the update:
    Spawning in giving you a random loadout. Houses placed by Devs can not be opened. Cocaine pit suddenly has a wall around it. AIs being created when leaving the server. (BI ISSUE - per BI Dev)  
  10. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Mayhem in LOOKING FOR COKE HOUSE S5   
    It's one or the other man
  11. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Innate in "Hit You" -- InnateOcean Parody of Coldplay's "Fix You"   
    Another montage of my death...

  12. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Ron Johnson in "Hit You" -- InnateOcean Parody of Coldplay's "Fix You"   
    @Innateocean is a meme. This is final. In this video, you will hear a lovely song sung by your's truly, @Ron Johnson. I got help writing this song from @Biground (Mason).
    It took us a total of 35 minutes to complete the lyrics for the whole song.

    Special Shoutout to:
    @Luke SwagWalker
    and of course the man himself,
    I am not responsible for any damages to your ears.
    When you get corporal rank but your name is Innate
    When you initiate on people you don’t use your brain
    When you feel so salt, but you can’t quit
    Mistaken Birth
    When the screams start streaming in TeamSpeak
    When you wonder why you have no money
    When you lose 7 hummingbirds in a single day
    Was it still worth?
    Bullets will find your skull
    Crash and ignite your bones
    And I will try to hit you
    High in the sky, on in my restraints
    Messaging me your constant complaints
    But if you die you’ll never know
    Just what you’re worth
    Bullets will find your skull
    Crash and ignite your bones
    And I will try to hit you
    Flashbangs flash, in your face
    When you lose another bird you seem to just replace
    Flashbangs flash, in your face
    And I
    Flashbangs flash, in your face
    I promise you I will crash your bird into your own face
    Flashbangs flash, in your face
    And I
    Bullets will find your skull
    Crash and ignite your bones
    And I will try to hit you
  13. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Trilligy in Farewell Haphazard   
    Only person I know who left to get a ethernet cable and came back with a new truck. T.T
  14. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Buckwalter in Farewell Haphazard   
    Asylum's favorite Canadian, @HapHazard (that's right Paratus, I said it) retired today.
    Hap was Asylum's longest standing admin to date. He's spent countless hours working to improve and maintain the community. He's probably locked more threads than most of us have read. He's always been an affable and reasonable guy to deal with, he's always been fair-minded and seemingly immune to the pettiness and caprice that too often characterize interactions with internet authority figures.
    Hap is truly one of the good ones so let's send him off right with fond memories, cherished threads that he locked, and whatever else you feel like including.
     I'll start things off with the fact that Hap is currently the subject of Asylum's only, longstanding portmanteau: the haplock. 
    @Kowalski made this excellent video which sums up the origin of the term.
    And even after all these years his post history hasn't changed much 

    Aside from Hap's fondness for locking threads, he also holds the record for either the best or worst jet landing in Asylum history, managing to basically ram into a pile of garbage, Jigawatt's helicopter, and the ground, yet he still managed to survive. 
    He's also super Canadian. By searching for "Maple Syrup" in discord, Haphazard's name pops up more than a dozen times, including at least two stories about an $18,000,000 maple syrup heist. 

    Anyway, Hap, it's been an absolutely pleasure buddy. All the best. o7
  15. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Noble in APD Appreciation Thread   
    @SPC Brian Whom I believe is Officer Bill in game, he is an excellent rper and a frankly one of the only cops I look forward to getting processed by when I'm out doing stupid stuff. Would like to see this man promoted!
  16. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Mr Blonde in APD Appreciation Thread   
    I don't really wanna go into all the stories but S4 cops are the best.
    And let me apologize for all of the assholes who treat the cops like shit. Lord knows they ain't gonna apologize for themselves.

    Pic related. Officer Baker didn't impound the car because "it took dedication to do that".
  17. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Henry Facesmasher in New bounty system   
    Give rebels downing .50's and all will be fair
  18. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Officer Report.   
    Your in-game name: (IFRIT) Mitch
    Officers you are reporting in-game name: Officer Bill, Corporal Atlas
    Rules that the officers have broken: They RP'd, created a story line, ensured safety, and provided inclusive and immersive game play. 
    Time and date of the incident: 3-14-2017 0030 hrs
    Server: #2
    Description of the situation/incident: See video
    Any evidence to support:  
    Are we allowed to share any of the evidence with the officers: Yes
    @SPC Brian 
    I know it's long. But RP has been hard to find as of late. My wife was actually sleeping in the next room over, so Officer Bill, I appreciated you taking the lead on the RP as i had to be very quite. You both did great and i really appreciate it. 
  19. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by LuxCapere in Bounty Hunting   
    There should be a list of the top ten most wanted players on the server that any bounty hunter can arrest. The most wanted list. Other than that, bounty hunters should be able to choose their four bounties from a list. However, to make things less griefy, there needs to be a threshold implemented for what constitutes a player being able to be hunted by bounty hunters. If your bounty is under 10k, you shouldn't be able to be harassed by BHs, only the cops, lol. As the system is right now its obviously broken because all anybody ever does is bounty hunt and they go after players with 2k bounties which just pisses people off and there is no point for having possible bounties that low other than to grief new spawns. 
    Make minimum bounty level requirement for BH to hunt be at least 10k, no more small, worthless bounties pls. 
  20. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Budbringer in Bounty Hunting   
    That and getting a talent so you dont get bounties less than x amount would also be amazing. Nothing sucks more than getting 4 bounties worth combined less than 15k 
  21. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by Quenton in [FSM] - Free Syrian Madrasa [SERVER # 2] [PROGRAM CLOSED]   
    I can see it now...
    CNN Headlines
    "13 year old terrorists blow up Chuck-E-Cheese, chant F S A before explosion"
  22. Atlas1 liked a post in a topic by they took the name eazy in [FSM] - Free Syrian Madrasa [SERVER # 2] [PROGRAM CLOSED]   
    So basically, this is the FSA child army?
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