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What zit tooya

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Everything posted by What zit tooya

  1. I don't think this situation calls for a "kobe" soundboard. Think you need a grenade for that.
  2. Was funny to watch Redberry and Distilled prove some big ego admins wrong indeed.
  3. Hey look there I am being a good cop and restraining you. Promotion pls
  4. I don't know, but everytime I fought you we always traded. ggs tho o7
  5. The spar 16 on cop is still loading lethal's for cops upon revive.
  6. Asylum has/had some of the best Arma 3 shooters. Besides the cheaters.
  7. Time to stay on grass then. It's like the opposite of tremors.
  8. You killed Harambe. I would of lethal'ed you. Consider yourself lucky.
  9. Are you the individual that got roasted by the entire community?
  10. But you can...you can make cops go to rebel for almost anything. You can make cops go to cartels for almost anything. You can make cops seize gun during combat. You can make cops have unlimited lives so it's wave 27 zombies during any engangement, you can make any Sgt+ in the APD make it feel like they have a job when it comes to activities/hours a month. Oh wait, you've already done all that. I still don't agree with Gubber though, he's a big fat dummy head.
  11. I'm confused, wasn't that house cartel cap by church a cartel cap before? HOW CAN YOU CALL IT NEW IF IT ALREADY USED TO BE ONE Also @bamf, you keep saying its very easy to remove cartels yet you had a very tough time removing the shitty forest cap. Have you improved from your mistakes?
  12. Meh wouldn't make a difference. People that play plenty of Battle Royal's would be a walk in the park to get used to it.
  13. Not sure what this thread turned into but I thought everyone liked this "rusty"...person when he was first around. Goes to show Asylum can turn anyone who doesn't act even close to their shoe size into egotistical retards. Also, Why are UK people so fucking weird.
  14. Didn't old Mayhem's introduction end up getting locked for people talking about his sister or something
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