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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Batcan

  1. https://gyazo.com/a9ef3f96cb295d4ad0a8527c3986dd51
  2. Add the casino to both rebels
  3. Not applying but the gayest thing I've ever done is camp therisa as a bounty hunter
  4. Half the people on here don't even go outside
  5. https://uk.indeed.com/ Let me know if you need a reference or help with resumes
  6. The 50 mags on dom are a bit too expensive for my liking. I'd say 50k would be reasonable because rpgs are 100k
  7. Was never in envy. Still giving my plus 1 though. @Farmer Steve
  8. also u can just send an rpg into the middle of a cap and blow up 3 frits and 8 people. Current 50 mag price is ridiculous. Takes skill to actually rip people and doesnt take 150k from whoever it is fired it like an rpg.
  9. Batcan

    Gas station

    yes very good idea pls add
  10. Batcan


    All sold, thanks!
  11. Under the previous management the no tolerance policy on cheating sort of faded away. Will we see a change?
  12. Make it expensive enough to where people don't want to pull it out and you don't have any of the problems people are talking about. Could easily nerf storage on it and balance it however they want. Saying it is a bad idea and making a bunch of excuses is pathetic in my opinion.
  13. Interested to see the changes you make to the server and see if you can bring it back to something. It will never be what it once was, but hopefully it can succeed in what is acceptable for today's time.
  14. Mitch, I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye. I wasn't thrilled when you became owner and I do know we had some very personal interactions in part due to my server ban. I do have no hard feelings to you and wish you the best in life. At the end of the day it was just a game.
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