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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Batcan

  1. Looking for new recruits. Need a weak pulse or stronger. Minimum 2 fingers on each hand (thumb on mouse hand minimum). Please have Arma 3 installed
  2. There have been a lot of cops on lately and most higher up slots are filled
  3. They should honestly just make it discretion whether or not to seize an illegal gun. Especially if someone is compliant and roleplays
  4. I like the admin money change 5k every 5 minutes also just promotes them to play in game more
  5. Who are these forum dictators censoring quality suggestions?
  6. Can't wait to see who the next owner will be
  7. Do you guys allow gay men into the gang? I was thinking about applying
  8. Jimbo is the only good player in this gang tbh, not even sure why u guys bother to fight gang boat
  9. no laser tag no reason to log on pal
  10. where's Brutality on your past gangs?
  11. I appreciate u taking out tom's stuff and not my tempest
  12. how long until u cheat again
  13. 90% of the people doing it had no idea the tempest shouldn't have 5k storage and that it was a bug. No one has played or done runs in years and have no idea the standards of storage space. The tempest wasn't even on the server when most of us played. Everyone saw a vehicle that had good space and could gather. I don't expect much from developers on this server other than @Azeh, but taking money from people that had a strategy and grinded it is just going to end up with you guys dealing with the 14 people on a Saturday night situation. Regardless of it not being 5k storage it was still the best money making simply because of the no risk and the quick gather to sell method.
  14. think you meant to say increased price of hydrogen sulfate
  15. Should add more gang talents that give more money from cartels 1.1x, 1.2x, 1.3x
  16. you can turn up brightness and it helps a bit more, but it is an awful nighttime script as of now
  17. Batcan

    Casino safezone

    Should change casino to where it isn't a safezone and you can just gamble through your bank without having to pull out money. Currently just have people going from heroin field to casino in order to not get shot and storing their tempests
  18. Batcan

    Store script

    The virtual item storing script for vehicles should just fill up as much as it can when you double click it and store. Tired of it saying vehicle is full and calculating how much I need to fill it up.
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