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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Crossfade

  1. kinda broken when people sit in towns or at rebels killing fresh spawns. Tbh should be 1 for 1
  2. Maybe just dont be bad? get them into group runs where there are 5+ rebels running meth at once. Ezpz
  3. Idk what kind of hardware mitch has but i had multiple servers running off one box awhile ago and they seemed fine.
  4. Idk, Why would you ask someone that question when you could answer it yourself?
  5. What about opening S2 just on the weekends and if you choose to own a house on there then you know its only available on the weekend. would give more people the chance to play on the weekend while not breaking the bank xD
  6. Because im such a cunt ingame and everyone knows it, i refuse to join teamspeaks xD only one i join is asylum lol
  7. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Athria Asking Price: Offer Description: The Left House. Its between Court house and BH shop Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/cc8298c90cad8c771b2e5e69cc123495
  8. You sir are one of the many reasons we need to remove warning labels and allow natural selection do its thing
  9. i guess, it would need to be worked out so that you couldn't insure something and have a friend chop it to make a profit. Edit: getting it seized/chopped shouldn't be covered by insurance. or everyone will have full garages and never need to buy/craft them anymore..
  10. House keys - Since now you can give keys to your house to others until they log out, what about giving us the option to give keys to someone for 7days. Not permanently because imagine the amount of lines of code if everyone gave 5 sets of house keys to all their friends for ever. A script could run every sunday night that clears the file that would hold the data of keys given, so if you give out keys friday they still get deleted on that following sunday, This would prevent the file from getting too big. You could limit it even more by making a maximum amount of keys given at a time, so like a total of only 5 sets of keys total can be given for the week or 5 at any given time, being able to remove someones access and giving that set to someone else. House rentals - Since there is only 1 server now finding a good house to use is hard. Would be nice to be able to rent a house/ rent out a house that you dont need right now but dont want to sell. Say you want to take a break or no longer run scotch/meth/coke. You could empty the house and rent it out, you could rent a single house or a few houses to someone. Payment would be up front and once the time is up any items left in the house could be delivered to the mail at a cost to make sure everyone removes all items on time. Prices could be maybe 30-40k per house per day and 50-60k per shed. With ^^ adding a rental agency in each town would be cool but would be easier to utilize home improvement and add a option to show rentals just like the option to show houses for sale. Also if longer house keys are implemented then any keys given out would be removed if the house/shed is rented out and If you rent a property you cant give out keys. Insurance - I dont mean like it used to be back in like 6.0 or what ever, But getting insurance would be pretty cool, I dont think it should be as easy as it was, from memory it was like a small fee or what ever and just goes back into the garage at the reset. Instead it should be a % of the total cost of the item at the time, so if an orca is 50k or 100k it would make the insurance different, (a standard rate for each vehicle could work too) You would pay it when you pull it out each time and its either lost or a % is returned to you if you store it . If it despawns then 100% is lost. If a officer impounds it 50% of the insurance could be given to the officers in the area. If the vehicle is blown up to recover it you need to go to a specific area on the map called "Collection agency or returns" and collect it and drive it back to the garage. At this point it is not insured and at risk of being lost forever.. I dont think insurance should cover someone chopping the vehicle as that could result in people exploiting the system. Hope to hear some feedback and find ways to possibly make these ideas better..
  11. looking good! keep up the good work bud.
  12. In-Game Name: meerak Age: 40 Arma 3 hours (Screenshot): Any experience fighting? ^.^ Vouches: @Kareem @GravL Previous Gangs: Too many to name. How active will you be? 50/50
  13. If you drop a bounty you shouldn't get it again for 15 minutes. If there is only 2-4 bounties on the server then give it back to them, but if more than the maximum you can track. should be 15 minutes before you get it again. I loved trolling as a bounty hunter but this really fucked me off
  14. And you can see how many houses people have lmao.. is this supposed to be like this??
  15. Why can you see peoples garages? lel
  16. Thanks heaps and Goodluck @Clint Beastwood in your future, hopefully you find something else to ruin.. Haha joking xD Thanks for all the hard work you have put into asylum over the years. Its been fun gaming with you. Grats @Mitch (IFRIT) now its your turn to wear the pants and make decisions around here. Hope you continue to make things better.
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