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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Crossfade

  1. That's what a fat person would say. Kidding no banaroni plz
  2. i know.. it was never an issue back then. but then they decided it was against the rules because it voids bohemia's TOS and could get BE removed like when the sports hatch got it removed. edit: pretty sure Olympus got shut down because an admin or one of the owners was selling money. cant remember exactly.
  3. What's buying money idk why your on aboot. Kidding. There's definitely money being sold around the community for sure.
  4. doesn't help when certain admins look the other way when people in their gang are selling money still.
  5. Should have used and abused it back in the day like the rest of us! few of us had 3-4 acc's running at once lul
  6. just dont be fat and over eat u clown
  7. 100% a boss fucking suggestion, would be hilarious tbh... but I see what @.Nathan means by a money printer. Few tweaks ive thought of. maybe adding a 5minute timer between each theft. parts weigh half your inventory, and the tool/s are heavy too. so you can only steal one before selling, Unable to store in houses. If the owner of the vehicle has an alarm/tracker and you try to steal parts then it sends a message to the APD of the location and gives them the ability to track them for the next X amount of time.
  8. Honestly if medics had more to do for money maybe the base pay could be less.. makes standing around doing fuck all trolling in towns makes medic less of a money grind than an actual activity..
  9. Favourite part was the last 25 seconds
  10. i dont even play much anymore but i think its a good idea.. that shit happens too often, Either remove tower, or make it despawn after 2-3minutes if its not travelled outside of the chop shop area. (also could be a APD policy update allowing officers not to attend if its just a camp and kill) but if it starts moving they must attend. the policy update obviously gives Sgt+ more things to keep track off. removing tower making the whole area harder to defend will defiantly reduce the camp and kill events.
  11. Crossfade

    Bank Department

    Great idea, No viable. will never get implemented unfortunately. A+ for effort.
  12. Maybe could be cool only having night time be given every 2nd or 3rd restart OR it could be coded to skip a cycle in every restart (obviously there's a timer for day/night. maybe it could randomly jump from 17:00 (night start) to 09:00 (day start) im not sure how easy it could be to code for it to be random. but that would make every restart different. some might get 5 nights some might get 1 or none.
  13. you mean support? maybe if these cunts did more people wouldnt go without responses.
  14. can confirm, Admin menu is kinda shit. fuck all options
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