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Sean // Fitty Bread

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Everything posted by Sean // Fitty Bread

  1. just buy a key for $3 on g2a or some shit
  2. "Parallel to you and intentionally swerved into you" bro ....
  3. https://gyazo.com/ad7e284b7e7ed0f66d3c67c5c1c98bfc intentional dpi no ban https://i.gyazo.com/96b91c41a08862fdb6c3c87cbe70aa90.mp4 intentional dpi no ban 2 https://gyazo.com/74810779059d2b91c473875a0ae07ac6 not intentional vdm but 3 day ban people just tryna have fun on asylum 3.0 but the consistency of these bans seem very weird
  4. this thread single handedly reviving asylum forums mr smoke man of the people
  5. this guy smart as hell wtf lets be honest here, where diseased is going in the gif wouldnt hit the quilin if he didnt start to move - true diseased held x when the quilin started to move - true diseased held w and d the whole time , before quilin started to move ie not trying to ram it - true there wasnt enough time for diseased to get out of the qulilin way - true player in quilin would have died anyway - probably true but im dogshit so who knows washed boomer rule says intentional, i dont think that is intentional
  6. yes bro he is admin confirmed legit !
  7. https://i.gyazo.com/96b91c41a08862fdb6c3c87cbe70aa90.mp4 actual video of player intentionally spinning mouse 3.5 times doing 360s to exploit
  8. this thread straight from 2015 i love it
  9. but that rule says intentional and those gifs dont show intentional , maybe there is a hidden rule from the people ?
  10. mr smoke rallying the people holy moly storm the bastille
  12. bro thats the biggest fuck you to olympus ive ever seen wtf i love u mitch ifrit big love but how can u justify having ifrit in ur name when they are little more than wet paper rn when can we see a buff incoming big bud
  13. that means you have to run activate windows for new hardware and it will reactivate, any big hardware changes will deactivate w10
  14. @Tosic are u the dude who i just watched do a crystal gvg on albion
  15. its ok bro now that i know i can spin my mouse 5 times doing 360s and not get banned i will never lose a fight again
  16. the first 2 guys are dogshit i was the 3rd dude who had to stop shooting cause the mongoloid ran infront lmao that was funny as fuck though i was saying bro its clear its clear dw about the pillboxes i couldnt stop laughing when u started blasting o im not the dude on the ground who u kill 1st thats this shitter who im better @ siege at @Wubblez
  17. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/default.htm
  18. lets split the content of an already dying game u right add +15 slots gg
  19. zaka was the one cheating in the clip btw king just got the kill from off screen
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