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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Bherky

  1. make it 50k to pull out and I think it'll be fine.
  2. lol use your brain john Cop and rebel is different, cops are meant to give multiple lives because irl if you robbed a bank you’d get swarmed by cops.
  3. Hey man not sure if you know but when we down you, take you to HQ and send you to jail, you are taken OUT of the fight. If you are constantly being sent to jail, well... reconsider your ability to fight the event. This isn’t the gulag, you don’t get a second chance. Once you have been sent to jail, accept it and hope your teammates can finish the job.
  4. I fucking love this thread. We have our Slick now, actually we have two. Get fucked envy mald more lololololololoololl Don't worry I'm sure Obi will give you guys a deer stand to hold at the remains!
  5. ASLAN DOM WARMUP PAYS OFF 10% OFF LESSONS CALL NOW RESULTS: https://gyazo.com/72276e02c1e2ce328b4cb82d78c29f68
  6. Action Taken (12/8/21) Thank you for your report.
  7. BIG CRIP JESUS FUCKIN IT UP 🙏🔥🧖🏿‍♂️🧎🏻🧎🏻
  8. I miss how it used to be. Making money is a huge dynamic of the game and can definitely be enjoyable. I actually want to go an do runs sometimes but its not an efficient use of my time, there are way better options that I could choose. In the past few weeks, anytime I wanted to make some money back I have been doing solo banks where all I am doing is aim training for 10 minutes and getting the equivalent of a box truck of meth or more. I play one domination, and I make the same money I would have if I processed a house full of meth, that's nuts. I am not blaming the server/developers since things can't go back to the way they were without a load of backlash, I'm just saying I miss the days of grinding meth early in the morning to fight during the day.
  9. I've played two doms out of 4 doms in the past week and made 2.5mil profit, and my gang made #2 and #4 or #5. That's a lot of money. I can only imagine that the gangs that are getting #1 if they get it 4 times in a week are getting around at least 4-6 mil a week. Depends from player to player how much they are spending during dom. but you make a shit load of profit lol mainly if they are on the leaderboard.
  10. This is my viewpoint, and is mostly subjective. The whole economy is pretty fucked. Fed. events and domination are the only money making source that is worth your time if you have a half decent team. Cartels are dead at the moment and the idea of raising the money that you earn from cartels isn't a bad idea. The only problem I see with this is that the server will (and has) become a "pvp" server fewer and fewer people doing money runs. (excluding newer players and people with great houses). The dynamic of the server has changed from what I have seen, changing from a "make money/do runs to fight/pvp" to a "fight/pvp to make money". People have gotten used to being able to fight fed. events and domination to make their money that if we ever were to go back to how it was before when people ran drugs to buy their loadouts it would have a shitload of community backlash. There have been adjustments from what I have seen to try and combat this (not sure this is 100% correct), like reducing the amount of gold bars in the fed. reserve, but even if there weren't any federal events, domination still rakes in an absolute shitload of money. I'm not against making money off of domination at all, its great, it allows me to have fun and spend my money freely, but it removes the need for people to run money on the main server and that takes away a huge aspect of the server.
  11. It used to be a thing but it died out after a month or two. I don't think that it would be a problem now since we have multiple maps.
  12. Adding round 2 would solve all of it +1 add round two, make it up to 4k and if the pop starts dying then reduce to 2k
  13. All of them play dom, I get home at 7pm. Regardless of my personal situation, there are people get off work as dom ends/the last 30 min of it.
  14. I'm going to rant a little here, idc if you read it or not. I don't want this post to turn into a banter post but no shit its good for you. You have nothing else to do in life. The only people that are voting to keep it how is it are people who don't leave home or the few EU players. It's no longer summer or quarantine, people have school and work. The argument that this is an NA server is valid but doesn't help much because we have a diverse community. The best thing to do would be to push the time back two hours. Olympus's conquest had alternating times for both 6pm and 8pm EST, and all of our EU guys were still playing, granted half of them were whispering because it was late but still... The poll speaks for itself, I hope @Mr. Slick has some common sense to listen to the poll and majority of the community instead of having his ears plugged with Tom's penis... only jokes. sort of In all seriousness, there needs to be a change. Please make it happen, even pushing the time back an hour would be decent but still only allow most people to get on halfway through the event. Two hours would be the best or hell why not an hour and a half. Listen to the community, don't let it die out or exclude people from the event. I love dom but only being able to play once a week is frustrating.
  15. Looky here bud you turned before the second gunshot don’t @ me
  16. If someone is roaching off of your gang kick em.
  17. It's 50/50, most eu players are off work by then but NA is still on work, pushing it back one hour will help.
  18. +1 Push times back, a lot of other people and I can't get on during the weekdays.
  19. @Bera I agree with the whole post, however regardless of the rebels having fun or not, they surely enjoy making money off of it.
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