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Everything posted by Bikstok

  1. Claims he's not a weeaboo, but loves k-pop.
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341 https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/192126-advanced-rappelling/ https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedRappelling/
  3. +1 The wongs cartel up north is impossible to properly attack, unless you have an already blown up tower and 50cal legend @MrSmoke
  4. Would have synced in gang account I bet. Either way, I would prefer that dirty money actually synced on restart. Restarts fuck the server so badly. There's nothing to do after a restart. No money in cartels, no bars in the fed, no money in the bank, prison on 45 min lockdown and rarely anyone doing drugs because vehicles tend to disappear.
  5. Bikstok


    Check that you're running the same hz in arma as in windows.
  6. This sounds great! #FreeWeeaboo
  7. Wait, are you really offended about the "monkey portuguese language"-comment? You and your gang seriously needs to be blacklisted from reports..
  8. LOL @Retro Swift Look at that scrub gang
  9. Wasn't there some talk about a revamped CL system initially developed for Strife? @bamf
  10. Long house with 3 crates. Listed on the market for 900k.
  11. Make Asylum the world's most developed Altis server again!
  12. Players on strife the past 24 hours..
  13. Bikstok


    The original Argo mod was released in November 2016. https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00180
  14. Bikstok


    It's alright. Two of the gamemodes are pretty fun (clash and link), but Arma in 1st person will always be meh.. Also, it's free to play, so I imagine non premium servers will be infested by scripters soon enough.
  15. Same for me. Just Windows things... Edit: I googled it and found this article: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askperf/2010/08/13/introduction-to-the-new-sysinternals-tool-rammap/ Basically Windows uses a bunch of available RAM to cache standby processes. Meaning that accessing cached applications will be a lot faster. Once you actually need all of your RAM for an active process, the standby processes will be deallocated. The principle is that wasted RAM is bad!
  16. Why do I get the feeling that @Stein Bagger is also your account, Krypton?
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