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Everything posted by Calle.

  1. make a rap song about how misserabel ur life is, then u earn millions and spend it on hookers and crack
  2. Calle.


    Reality can be whatever i want
  3. Calle.


    DONT BUY CRATES!!! I kinda bought like 40 and didnt get shit, i got like atleast 20 sorry shirts, the best i got was the orange backpack, they are like retarded or some shit. So dont waste ur hard earned money from welding on these crates big papa
  4. Just connect with that one and u should be good
  5. Calle.

    CSGO Clips

    Please weld my mouth together and cum on my chest daddy
  6. https://dsresearch.stanford.edu/ Help the research for a cure for down syndrome, one small donation can help @Dumbassos life and get him the help he needs!
  7. Previous Names: Calle Age: 17 Timezone: EU Hours(screenshot): https://gyazo.com/d57b2344eebe5e6e00d63a019c9729de Previous Gangs: Genesys, heroic, Farmersville Why are you interested in joining Velocity: Wanna do cartels and stuff, and kill ppl Anyone Who Could Vouch For You: Josh, Deephouse, Elastic, Casper if hes in the gang, maybe page or rahim idk tbh
  8. I like how he blamed @Nicolas Marchfor the whole situation LOL
  9. Go get those bonusboards and do the showcases retard
  10. urs probably look like a half eaten cheese doodle
  11. it will let ppl use the garage if u unlock it, i did it once and some dude just got his truck out and exploded it, but anyways it is possible
  12. lol, u should be quiet, u report like everything and everybody
  13. +1 Very swedish guy, and also a very good player
  14. Calle.

    FREE GAME!!!!

    How about lego batman? huh, that game was one of the best at its peak
  15. Calle.

    FREE GAME!!!!

    https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lego-the-hobbit?linkID=&mcID=102:5c10286f73ab4e7a4aa00a08:ot:59c6436f1c7d4cd39ab72ffe:1&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2018_12_13_lego_hobbit_storefront&utm_content=Banner#checkout-section Free Game!!!!
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