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Wubblez The Reformed

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Everything posted by Wubblez The Reformed

  1. "why are you disturbing me while i'm playing video games?" That kid needs a noose and a ceiling fan.
  2. How are you washed when you were never good? @LoGr
  3. Reject of nV, Reject of FSA, telling me to die. LOVE IT.
  4. He's been involved in this community before and I don't see why he would ever want to come back. Identity won't be much different IMO.
  5. Basically he wants to MemHack his money in but doesn't want you to do anything about it.
  6. Dude who the fuck are any of you and why do you think anyone gives a fuck about a dumb fuck thinking you shot him through a tower?
  7. "old gold" from a gang that was made like 4-5 months ago. lmfao.
  8. Who...? Why would we care if a dude with 3.9k followers with 15 concurrent viewers watches your shit montage? Edit: this guy read my comment. The montage was shit.
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