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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. I mean, it likely came from a lab in Wuhan. That part is right
  2. If you're actually hacking and you got yourself banned by trying to impress the handful of people still who give a shit about esports larping on a dead game then that's pretty fucking funny
  3. Redgull and weapon resting are your friends
  4. Just lagswitch like a real homie
  5. Is the underwater treasure and loot stashes worth getting? How much do they pay out? If it's a decent amount then I definitely think it's cool content
  6. Higherups gotta feel special over a gun in a video game, or however the argument goes for those losers.
  7. Sounds like the old market system in a weirder way so -1
  8. If that's bannable that's very lame and just sounds like an admin got butthurt one day
  9. Let's remove racism being bannable
  10. Asylum will probably just make a server on there. Hopefully the map will allow for a life server
  11. Chad King has converted most of the kingdom to Christianity in his noble crusade. The vlandians are all that's left.
  12. There is abuse when you allow bounties to be kept, but I'm not sure if it should mean not doing it. All I know that removing pressing plates or keeping people AFK for 45 minutes at this point would be incredibly stupid
  13. Dude you need some fucking hobbies if leaving a fictional place in a video game is a big moment for you lol
  14. If you're going to pull up a post from March at least say something funny. Why am I living rent free inside of your head, anyway? I hardly even play lmfao
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