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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. Maybe a slow rollout of making one or two new house variants available and seeing the impact on performance? There could be a two week or month testing period where it is understood that buying these houses may be reverted and you will be doing so at your own risk?
  2. I think more buyable buildings are needed big time so +1
  3. Unironically one of the dumbest bans on Asylum. Feminine energy coming from the admins on this one
  4. I wish people would do moonshine so I can go hunting once again. Buds ruined the economy
  6. WHAT ABOUT OYSTERS!?!?!?!?!?
  7. I think it's arma limitations unfortunately. However, oysters are not!
  8. Sometimes all I think about is youuuuuu
  9. China is welcome on Asylum!
  10. I just don't see how this change really addresses that. All people will do is only put active people on the keychains. The game will just feel worse and it feels like a pointless change targeted at VERY specific things that only a few gangs are doing. This especially sucks when housing is so fucking scarce, it literally feels like you need all the keys for that reason alone Just to add, I think having to buy the keys is totally fair and I wouldn't mind the price for 5+ keys being pricey. Asylum is in need of more money sinks. 11 keys helped solve the lack of available housing
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