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Everything posted by cbakes

  1. pretty good tage for a hecarim 1trick
  2. remove quilins and buff tires on hatches and suvs
  3. 他们希望让其他服务器保持满满状态,看看它们如何防止它们崩溃
  4. looking for kavala rebel houses/sheds
  5. Either remove csats from clothing shop and rework the warpoint system using the current csats and new options as a reward or remove csats completely. Pretty boring seeing the same 2-3 outfits on rebels
  6. Gratz boys well deserved @Nino Brown @Azeh @Leroy Jenkins
  7. Could be a new possible spot for a arms island rebel credit to @TheCrestedPenguin for the design
  8. The average asylum player is not going to be able to drop and kill a prowler full of cops. I’m also certain you would not be able to either so I’m not sure why you are using that to make a point
  9. Remove quilins from civs so we're stuck outrunning cops in hatches and breaking a tire every 5 seconds while they cruise through everything in a quilin with guys in gunner? nah lol
  10. +1 this guy killed me and my m8s at coke pro yesterday with a katiba
  11. Looking for any 3 crate scotch houses / sheds on s2
  12. will we get armor stack removed anytime soon? @bamf
  13. cbakes

    Gang Wars 6

    thanks again to everyone who helped put this gang wars together.Sorry if i miss anybody @Roice @Gen. Henry Arnold @Reapered @Goku
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