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Everything posted by Protocol

  1. Personally I sleep with a tv on in the background
  2. Idk I’ve always played with a high dpi due to being able to turn quickly and usually I don’t go to fast with it but I’ll try it with a lower dpi sometime.
  3. Considering they should have died they probably just walked around the map until server restart because they have no direction or orders to move to. Or they could have just went to kavala to exterminate all the rats but hey who knows!
  4. They definitely are their pilot covs are NATO and the blackfish that drops the crate is NATO so I think it’s safe to say that is definitely it.
  5. In-game name:Dillon Timezone: Eastern Standard Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): https://i.imgur.com/wYXRXUM.png 2,790 Previous gang affiliations: DS, Darkhorse ,Primal Why we should accept you: I'm a gamer whose looking for an active group of other chill gamers. I enjoy fights and spending money and overall hanging out and being laid back. Member who can vouch for you: Walt
  6. So today during a server crash the usual disconnection happens etc etc but this time it keeps going on. Basically whenever I try to join the server I keep getting battle eye client not responding and get kicked off. It seems to be only asylum because I tried playing other servers like koth etc and stayed connected. Are other people experiencing this and if so were you able to fix it?
  7. Let me answer for the entire community as a whole to save everyone’s breath and not spread Coronavirus. No.
  8. Reason I took a break was due to the loss of a family member but now that time has gone on I’m back to gaming it out.
  9. Go scoop out your urethra with a spoon!
  10. Go be someone’s snack bar!
  11. I should zip tie you in the sneezehawk and sink it in the ocean
  12. LMAO your such an autist with vdming us at Drug runner then posting it in a montage with your name as “ I only break rules on ds “ lol but it’s good to know that your the retard that did that hope you enjoyed the ban shitdick!
  13. You guys hear that you gotta be lvl 15 to use the flea market now? It’s aids
  14. Your short? I’m short bud I’m 5’4 5’7 is good trust me.
  15. You don’t donate money you donate your virginity.
  16. Funny how he is complaining about exploits but all of his gear is exploited LMAO
  17. Protocol


    @cHIP oTLE I already have it chief
  18. Protocol


    Well it was fun I met a whole bunch of new people and this was a great experience and this game got me through some tough times in life. As of right now some things have come up and I have lost all motive to play Asylum. @Leroy Jenkins you took me under your wing and even and taught me how to make money. You even bought me the contact dlc for someone you didn’t even know personally that’s true kindness! @Hoodlum Priest you were always a fun guy to hang out with and do eagles talon all the time with. roaching peoples drugs and getting into all the cartel fights! @YuSheng the only support member that complemented me and said I was good at the game lol @cHIP oTLE cool guy to always hang out with and one of the more active members of DS and a good damn fighter to! @DankBud you always seemed like the laid back chill kinda guy and always knew what was up @DS_Billy thought I was a spy in the gang for awhile but still funny as shit @Clint Beastwood thanks for bringing asylum back to life then sending me to prison instantly for getting your strider chopped 🤣 if I forgot to mention you sorry! But these were the names that came off the top of my head. I wish everyone fair well for now even though some of you were toxic as fuck but that’s just how people are. and finally have fun!
  19. well Doscoin is a type of black market currency....
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