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Everything posted by Shepurd

  1. This is honestly something that is super important. Every time the server restarts, the bank and fed completely empty and takes ages to fill up enough to make them worth doing. Also, I'm not sure if this is still true or not, but I'm pretty sure the prison has a 45 minute timer after restarts before anyone can start it. All this does is make the server more dead than it already is after restarts. If the timer on the prison was removed(assuming that's still a thing), and the money/bars was at least 75% full in both the fed and bank, there would actually be something rebels can go and do against cops after a restart that's actually fun and worth doing.
  2. I'm pretty sure EVERY gang uses spreadsheets..
  3. November 2015. Never forget. @Sugarfoot @The Weeb and @ everyone else cause I'm gonna tag everyone. GL boys! Hope you guys have as much fun as we once did. Good memories.
  4. Idk what everyone is freaking out about. I thought this was pretty nutty tbh!
  5. @Gen. Henry Arnold Are you able to do a Gold plated ifrit? Orca as well? Like the chrome mohawk and shit but GOLD
  6. What do ya mean Andrew?? You didn't like my KoTH clips?!? In all seriousness though, everyones first montage is garbage. Hell, my first 3 were ALL garbage. Cut the kid some slack.
  7. Shepurd

    External GPUs

    Good evening, Do you know how recent, or what version of a Thunderbolt 3 port you have? If it is an older version (if you even have one), the data transfer rate of the eGPU may make it worse than whatever GPU you currently have. Yours truly, Shepurd
  8. Mentioning this because I think it needs to be said, and I don't think any admin addressed it. I didn't read this whole thread, but I saw everyone was talking about Xehons ghosting in after getting kicked, and after they told the other gang that he was coming back. Generally, unless the other gang is feeling extremely nice, the only time you should reconnect back to a cartel like that is if the rest of your gang is still there, "Holding the line.". If the other gang hasn't already begun their attack, feel free to log back in. But if the other gang has already pushed in and is already killing your gang, it would be best to log onto another server and run 1km out from the cartel before logging back in. In this situation, the other gang had already completely taken the cap. So your 2 option were to either hop servers and run out before coming back, or holstering your gun and asking them if it's cool for you to leave. So just for future reference if any of you find yourselves in a similar situation ^^^^
  9. This^^ No one wants to have to grab an Orca and go on a 5 minute flight EVERYTIME some retard decides they want to solo cap cocaine castle with their 1 friend who sits up in the tower where you literally can't get to him without dropping someone with a helicopter on him. Any cartel they try to put up around the north west part of the map will be a failure, unless they decide to add a full town up there along with another Rebel Outpost as well that are all be generally close to the cartels(Similar to Donor Rebel and Arms caps/Meth caps). Otherwise it's the biggest pain in the ass getting there for the fight, for the initial attack, and anyone trying to respawn and come back.
  10. This was an old cartel back when there was a lot of fighting on the servers. I'm sure the kids that only solo cap won't like it considering it IS easy to get run up on, but for real cartel fights it's actually a good location. It's very different from the other caps like OG and Tower Meth because it takes a very different strategy for Defending and Attacking it. Gangs that learn how to fight it first will dominate other gangs that haven't figured it out yet. Personally, I'm glad to see it back.
  11. Shepurd

    07 Shepurd

    It was fun fellas o7
  12. Don't forget to use the correct format http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/forum/65-player-reporting-process/
  13. It was a fake msg. Pretty sure Gnashes already restarted the server. No one actually got banned.
  14. It was a hacker and a fake message. Everyone should be fine to log back in.
  15. @Brandon Don't make posts like that. Consider yourself warned.
  16. nIcE FuLl aUtO HaCkS yOu fUcKiN meLoN
  17. I'd like to start by saying, all things considered, I think it was a good patch. I like everything in the patch, or at least the idea of them. Here are things I like, but should just be a bit different IMO. Firstly, the rotating drugs. I like the idea of drugs moving around. However, I think it would be better if the individual drugs didn't completely switch sides of the map. For instance, the new Cocaine pit and processor? I think it would be better if that was the new meth lab, and ephedra. And the current new Meth lab and Ephedra would be the new coke pit and processor. Still new spots, still new places to fight. But at least the drugs are still in their general parts of the map so houses aren't completely useless. As for the new Heroin locations, I haven't actually gone and looked at them, but from what I know of that area of the map that terrain will be AIDS for anyone trying to drive big trucks around those hills. Bad spots imo. As for the Prison, I love to see it back on the Pyrgos Island. However, I still think its still being built too big. I think one of the things people loved about the old Pyrgos Prison was its simplicity. I like the idea of a second bridge, and the back entrance, but the prison itself I think is huge. A lot of the prison is useless and does nothing but drops everyones FPS when they look at it. (obviously not as bad as that Rock island disaster from a few prisons ago, but I still think it's a bit much.) To clarify, I don't mind the mechanics of the prison, just too big imo. I don't have the Helicopter DLC, but Tarus sound awesome, so I'm glad to see them in the game. Never used Rotorlib so I have no opinion on that. While I'm stating my opinions on different things I'd like to take the opportunity to say, get rid of the Cocaine castle cartel already. NO ONE WANTS TO GO UP THERE. Get rid of the wongs all the way up there while you're at it. I'd like to end this by saying, I still love Asylum. I still have fun playing it, and think the development is great. These are just the very few things I don't particularly like. Thanks.
  18. No problem. If you like sniping, consider lowering your FOV a bit too. Even going from 70 (default) to 65 makes a noticeable difference.
  19. Don't bipod on the ground. Tilts you sideways a little bit depending on the angle of the floor. Could be causing you to miss if its a very slight tilt. Simply laying down without actually bipoding is all you need. Also, like everyone has said above, you're shooting downhill. Gotta aim a little lower than 800. more like 775ish. As Clint said earlier, pay attention to where you're aiming, and where the bullet lands. Helps to make quick corrections. And last, but not least.. Can't tell if this is a joke or not, but you're not zoomed in with the MRCO here..
  20. This is some good shit, right?
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