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Everything posted by keNNzo

  1. Why dont u just kill and rob them before they make it to casino?
  2. https://imgur.com/a/2vsvLna https://imgur.com/a/o6z6mbq Closest shed to coke field and really close to other objectives.
  3. https://gyazo.com/b625b054aa71dc717a8fd0ad9b178309 listed 1.2m
  4. u are a donor rebel house
  5. https://gyazo.com/1f1e8da08d67d5d4b8f1fbbbce950984 listed 2mil // offer
  6. at least sammy wont camp donor rebel with a sdar anymore
  7. wow im glad me blowing up your sports got u so mad that u actally posted this
  8. they just happen to park all cars between shed doors i dont see the problem
  9. @Heidelberg i dont understand
  10. 40k houses didnt even have crate lol now u want them have 2c delusional man
  11. good luck outbidding @Leroy Jenkins
  12. I'm immune but ideeas like this make me wanna die
  13. lockpick houses insane someone actually thought about something as dumb as this
  14. lemme pull out hemmt transport out of garage then why not make sheds sell for 20 mil any better ideeas? smhhhh
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