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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Ronald

  1. Thank you in advance for removing the shackles of mod queue, a great weight has been lifted
  2. Maybe I will finally be free from mod que
  3. I mean if you watched the video the truck drove into the car
  4. 500k in-game and I'll teach you everything I know
  5. group cap didn't kill gang life, it didn't help but it wasn't even close to being the sole factor that "killed" gang life
  6. https://gyazo.com/de914f74f6758461932969fe56b6399e
  7. make the reduced jail sentences perm and i'll donate $850.00
  8. What ever happened to those solid colour ifrits that a contributor made, I remember him saying they are small in size but they looked amazing @Gnashes @bamf
  9. Ronald


    on mod que so shit takes ages to get approved, was afking magics while afking in the back of ifrits at cartels back in like 2k14 and was going for hunter pet when it came out but @Shepurd got it and I gave up
  10. I have positive post to like but I can't post, must be a bug
  11. I'm not throwing in $3, get finessed idiots
  12. Alright now that this is approved, listen here you little shits... which one of you put me on modque
  13. Aint no one gonna come to your faggot ass - http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/forum/44-gang-recruitment/
  14. gonna need to make that 2 weeks on the delay
  15. Admins don't know how much effort it took to take screenshots from 50 different angles smh
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