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Le Razoir

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Everything posted by Le Razoir

  1. Billy afk in a orca, classic. Well deserved.
  2. Spend it on lottery and make more money. or not
  3. Fucking VDM'er Get well soon dude !!
  4. Le Razoir


    I like to read before sleeping. Specially CompTIA security
  5. He wanna fuck you on his cheap 1k couch. You are pretty lucky.
  6. I have the CompTia A+ book for over 10 years, never did the certification. :/
  7. Cool patch, i will read it later.
  8. I plug my headset in my yeti. Nothing bad to signal. I love the little sound feedback it give.
  9. R.I.P gang life. rip...
  10. I understand your pain, I wear 14 for like 15 years.
  11. Make me want to come back and play on Asylum Thank for sharing lol.
  12. Bobola, we should play togheter one day.
  13. I'm really curious about the static IP part, because if your ISP don't want to give you a new IP, believe me, you wont get a new one lol.
  14. Le Razoir


    A more powerfull and recent CPU will improve by far his FPS. Correct me if i'm wrong but SSD won't improve FPS, it will only make the game loading faster. Maybe there's an exception with ARMA 3 i don't know but my 1st search on Google led me there:
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