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Everything posted by Mako

  1. I don't vouch for dirty code givers!! xdxd
  2. 8 montages later and you're still bad?
  3. Best I can do is a gallon of bleach
  4. Who knew good players still existed?
  5. Nah, they killed the tiger. Its China though so no memes.
  6. I'm supposed to be playing Arma but this one player keeps ripping my head off...
  7. http://www.wikihow.com/Tie-a-Noose This is a recruitment thread not a Sunday Social, go away.
  8. I think I gained a chromosome reading that, thanks.
  9. https://gyazo.com/8b8fe7541aaca4b157a1d4bb96025df6 Subliminal memes
  10. I tried. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b92hZTCNcAw&feature=youtu.be
  11. In that amount of time a gang member could softlog repeatedly to get rid of the timer for defib. Seems like an incredibly limited use for revival.
  12. Shouldn't Sheep be rubber-banding if he's driving?
  13. Congrats on posting a 5 minute clip instead of editing in the kills you got, I honestly enjoyed watching all 5 minutes of that shadowplay footage.
  14. Personally I could go for people who had support type roles in the community, much like Sgts that sit in support channels waiting to be asked for playtime, general questions, etc.
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