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Posts posted by Paradox_

  1. On 9/8/2022 at 1:20 AM, ZaneyHD said:

    Name: Zane

    Hours:  618.1 hrs on record (Around 10-20hrs(?) on the server, I forget)

    Previous gangs: The Corleone Family

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

    Any vouches: N/A

    accepted, but only if ur cheating

    On 9/8/2022 at 1:25 PM, jasonnnnn said:

    Name: Jasoncs

    Hours: 4.6k

    Previous gangs: n/a for here but ill on gta and rr

    Timezone: CST

    Any vouches: i know a couple ingang but they don't know me that well

    accepted, but only if ur cheating

  2. 3 hours ago, Patato said:

    What exactly have you stepped up and contributed to this community for free? (Other than getting banned 5 times in the last two months) Last I checked every dev here was a player who wanted to give back to the community they got to enjoy. Kind of the exact opposite of lazy.


    one time this guy spawned in a blackfish and blew up all of rodo! epic admin moment it was very pog.

  3. On 9/2/2022 at 1:20 PM, Aristant said:

    Fresh start would be great.


    However I will not be playing in the temp restart as its not something im personally interested in, others might, good for getting feedback.

    But PLEASE do not make this the released server version, If you are going to do this try to do it on a weekend because us adults with jobs get bent on that end with doing this at the time you did. Try to come up with SOME new content before you do the release.

    How about u do what everyone else does and base your work schedule around domination and conquest nerd

    • Egirls Roster:
      NSF (Leader) | Bera
      Q19 | Eddy
      GTA | Nikolai
      DS | Dillpickle54
      BLS | Invictus
      Taco Bell/SRT | Pixie
      MIB | Narnia
      PLAGUE | River
      Q19 | Craig
      Plague | fag Wadu
      Plague | Operator Johnny the fed 
    FudgeR likes this
  4. 20 hours ago, Patato said:

    Dom is a struggle.
    Almost every player was profitable. 
    The issue with Dom is no money comes out and we only put money in. Every dime you spend goes into a pot which will eventually see another player get that money. In the eyes of an overall economy this means the fight is "Free" because /someone/ will get the money. Where as on life once you purchase an MK that money is gone and can't come back. The MK will eventually be lost/seized

    Best real world example is that Asylum is a poker room hosting a poker table. Players come in with their own money to gamble against each other. Obviously we want a successful Poker room so we offer incentives for people to join the poker room (Again this is pre nerf scenario) 10mil starting pot + prizes. Issue is a real poker room then takes a rake of every hand, sells drinks and services which means they can recoup some of the initial investment. 

    Poker room also doesn't have a pit boss sit and stuff $20 into your pocket every 30 seconds (SRT/BloodMoney/Quests).
    (They also don't have Admins with infinite money buying all the armor for their group putting a ton of money into the pot at a cost to the server while advantaging their group)

    I have no problem putting money in to see people play Domination, It brings in potential people who would not otherwise be exposed to Asylum. The issue is how much, sure some players may take their Dom winnings and never join life - yes some people treat blood money as a leaderboard and have never spent a dollar. However some amount of money will come into the life server that the economy has to deal with. Ive heard the ludicrous argument that bank account doesn't matter and that I shouldn't care if someone has 1mil or 10mil because "Its the same thing" if that were true why would we bother at all? Everything would just be free. You also wouldn't have nearly as many complaints about admins doing dumb shit with infinite money. The negative effects of having too much money were already taking shape when i came back from my break.

    This is all before typical Asylum shenanigan's such as buying a ton of armor knowing you will get the lions share of the pot (as again everything you buy goes into the pot) then chopping/selling the frits you got most of the money back on for an additional profit. 

    Ive flip flopped back and forth a few times now on my own. The truth is Domination is still generating far more money than the life server, I don't know the solution to it without adversly affecting either one server or the other.

    I don't think this is a scenario where its Tanoa 2.0 and the server is being entirely propped up by money. (In which case i would just laugh as it died)
    But as we have seen money is obviously an issue when taken away.

    I personally don't feel Dom would survive on its own if we entirely separated out Dom cash from Asylum cash. (Meaning you would convert say 100k Asylum coin into 1mil dom cash to play with then either could only return it to life cash at a reduced percentage or not at all) 

    I also have reservations about further linking them. Throw away Idea's ive had.
    1.) Similar to infamy, 10% of any money you earn from illegal activities on life is converted to blood money. The blood money then could be used on Domination additionally it could be used to buy upgrades/skins/perks on the life server. One example would be a very heavy defib that is consumed on use but is stupidly fast at reviving. or other infamy like perks (How we stop this from being a modifier mess again im not sure)
    2.) Having some sort of system where you would basically have to buy or craft vehicles on life for use on dom. Any vehicles purchased on Dom would not go towards the pot and the funds be eaten by the server. (This would act as our rake) But ill admit forgetting to log onto life 5mins before dom and spamming buy doesn't really seem to help us all that much and is just throwing money at a governor. 

    Its stuck in a weird spot. Is it a hardcore PvP server where you risk it all for a big reward. (In which case someone has to lose big for another to win big)
    Or is it a place to have a good time, possibly make a few bucks. (In which case no one wins big but everyone breaks even)
    I could type more but this is the base of the issue.


    Personal note i think dom happens to frequently and was bound to feel less "Special"
    If you only ran it 1-2 times a week & on holidays its easier too feel better about making that starting pot higher

    What if you took out lets say 15% and voided that money upon every loadout purchase? That would help the inflation and mitigate some of the money into the asylum pit of nothing. If money is really the issue you could lower the starting pot to 5m, (not sure if that was done yet) along with making dom more scarce by having it only on maybe Thursday and Saturday. I also feel like your idea with the dom cash would actually work. I feel like if you made people transfer their dom bucks into asylum cash it would make people want to keep their cash and only use it on the domination server. The only downside to that would be that people who only play for money wouldn't wanna play anymore. So basically you would have less pop. The good thing about that is that the only people who play for money are roaches, and scat gangs; That being said it would keep the only relevant gangs on the server. 

  5. By lowering the pot like u guys just did makes it so the only 2 relevant gangs that still play, (NSF AND envy) not want to play anymore because we play against roaches and scat gangs. Its a great way to kill the server if you want to break the profit margin for gangs. I know this affects server 1 but its lame as fuck cops dont fight or do anything cartels are dead. Bury server 1 and do whats best for dom!

    cracka, CH1EF, jsh and 1 other like this
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