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Everything posted by Sail

  1. This is the same argument you guys have been using for the past year and a half. This idea has already been tried, toxic people came back (along with hackers), and they did the same shit as before and got banned. Basically, this is the process. 1. Toxic people get mad because their toxic boyfriends were banned. 2. They scream on the forums because they have nothing better to do. 3. A few people get unbanned, you stop screaming. 4. A few days later half of those kids are banned again. 5. Scream at admins like children. 6. REPEAT
  2. Point: Un-banning hackers and toxic kids =/= increase in population. If you don't understand why, lets go over a little thing called "Logic". When someone does something disruptive in a large environment, like hacking, it tends to make the people affected think negatively about said environment. Hackers and the toxic idiots you're trying to defend cause people to leave the server. So, un-banning toxic fuck boys (already tried before) will not do shit. The environment becomes more toxic than it already is, making everything worse for new and current players.
  3. Lets release all convicted murderers and see if it solves anything while were at it. Stop with this shit.
  4. As we ALL know, Gang life is on the decline. Sadly, it isn't just gang life now, drugs are also on the decline. My Idea is to somehow, (I don't know shit about coding or anything about game design), have special days of the week dedicated to automatically increasing the sales price of a specific/drug or activity. This will give the player base more motivation to do the things that require a lot of effort since for an X amount of time, it will be more profitable. Obviously this will cause x drug field to be camped heavily on x day, but isn't that a good thing? We can, to an extent, revive the chaos we used to always experience at drug fields. Maybe we can go one step further and have every weekend be a 100% increase in Cartel/drug payouts. Ideas (if you dont like reading) 1. Have specific days that increase the sales price of certain drugs to, in hope, increase the activity in drug fields. 2. Have special days/weeks/weekends where Cartel payout or sale prices for different drugs be increased at a rate of your choosing (25%) wouldn't be bad? Notes: I know putting sales price increases in community goals may come to your (Devs) minds immediately. I think the community would much prefer pre-planned days rather than hoping we donate a certain amount of money to do these things. It could also result in an increase in gang fights everywhere, fighting over the more profitable drugs people are doing
  5. Sail

    hello friends

    Hello, I dont know you, but welcome back! Enjoy your stay!
  6. I'm pretty sure he has a green card, may be a VISA, either or, its gone.
  7. McGreggor tapped and lost the match, Khabib tapped and lost his fucking green card.
  8. Sail

    Convoy Event

    Seriously, who the hell cares about that Connor McGregor, he got knocked out by Floyd Mayweather.
  9. Make me a damn sandwich hows scum’s pvp going now?
  10. Thanks for keeping us informed on the events in Altis! Can we get an update on the havoc taking place in these battlegrounds notorious gangsters call "cartels"?
  11. Bro I was just telling you to go to suggestion and feedback, or request comp. It appears you are trying to push your objective in the wrong place. Again, suggestion and feedback is the place to go. I’m not denying anything happened to you, I’m simply questioning what happened to you due to the lack of evidence. A lot of people complain about “issues” in game related to the loss of money, when it turns out they just lost money due to their own faults.
  12. You’re saying something that is useless to us, no video to back you up, devs can’t do anything about it because they don’t even know if it happened. What do you mean toxic?
  13. You do realize you can die in a hard impact, my car doesn’t blow up when I wreck, but I still die. It probably did blow up, not all explosions are immediate. If you have evidence of this stuff you claim is happening to you, the compensation section is best for you. I mean, what do you expect as a result of this post? Go to the proper section with the proper evidence and you’ll get your money or vehicle compensation if you actually deserve it. If you have no evidence keep in mind, you won’t receive anything.
  14. Sail


    Suggestions and feedback section. Developers don’t look for ideas in the off topic section.
  15. Listen..... You have a 50 cal. You're too OP!
  16. Diss Track from Roice, confirmed?
  17. Don't worry P3, September 5th.
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