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  1. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a post in a topic by Sail in More officers in kavala   
    Just nuke kavala. 
  2. Gregg liked a post in a topic by Sail in More officers in kavala   
    Just nuke kavala. 
  3. Mitch ifrit is a bitch liked a post in a topic by Sail in Standards that Captains are held too.   
    bro i've seen you rdm 10+ new guys at kavala square in less than an hour. 
  4. Seán That Irish Guy liked a post in a topic by Sail in Standards that Captains are held too.   
    bro i've seen you rdm 10+ new guys at kavala square in less than an hour. 
  5. X Jake liked a post in a topic by Sail in Our asylum characters are thousands of years old   
    Are you guys fucking high?
  6. Sail liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Change Log 8.4.0   
    Let's just get this out of the way so we can all move on.
    You guys dont listen to the community.
    Armor stacking is shit.
    Gang life is dead.
    I'm going outside.

  7. Sail liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Bohemia is shutting down altis life servers   
    Leave it to Dick Romney to fail at trying to make an April Fools joke tsk tsk tsk.
  8. Sp0on liked a post in a topic by Sail in Downing weapons nerf   
    Hold on, are we still debating this? Shit, im going to put it to rest.

    Listen, if you have problems with how many hits it takes to get downed, whether its too much or too little, then you're the problem.

    If you have a continuous problem with the way they work, that means you're the one continuously getting downed by players with superior skill. 

    Simply put, you're not playing right, fix your play-style.

    REMEMBER THIS: > You dont change the game to allow you to beat it, you change yourself in order to beat the game. Unless you're a cheater of course. 
  9. Sail liked a post in a topic by Raza in Downing weapons nerf   
    AKA stop sucking and actually hit that broad side of the barn before they hit you. 
    Also side note, I'm pretty sure if you take a rubber bullet to the chest wearing a PLAIN WHITE FUCKING T-SHIRT you'll be on your face too. 
  10. Addison McGrath liked a post in a topic by Sail in Downing weapons nerf   
    wouldnt we all like that? 
  11. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    I don’t think this is a good idea.
    Sergeants are trusted members of the APD, and this is is useless.
    Let me break it down. 
    1. We have an IA system which requires video evidence. No need for a system that just marks down when lethals are used when it doesn’t matter. The victim can just post his side and let the reviewer decide the appropriateness of lethals In the scenerio. 
    2. The whole point is not to trust officers lower than the rank of sergeant. The point of contacting a higher up for lethals is to actually allow the higher up to interrogate your reasons for the request. Typing a mere phrase in a text box is not beneficial to a higher up in getting all the details he/ she needs. The text thing is a time burden to the officer, whereas verbal communication isn’t. An officer can put any lie or reason in that  text box and get unnecessary lethals, it won’t prevent anything. 
    3. This system has no regard for the times when a higher up is not present. Unless you actually want to remove the unanimous consent policy we have now
    4. The 10 minute thing is pointless and inconvient. I’ve been in feds where fights have gone 30-45 minutes full lethal. 
    (It also sounds like you want an officer to never have lethals until it is approved, then your magazines would some how be converted. If I’m correct in my assumption, that is just stupid). 
    5. This system is streamlined and can easily be abused by officers through lying and misinformation. Any punishment in result of this would still need video evidence, which renders your idea useless. Why, because the video evidence will already have the material needed to make a decision. You can say that the text entry will provide some sort of insight into the actual officer’s reasoning for lethals, but, there are a multitude of other factors that cannot always be represented through text. 
    Basically, record and report. Assuming that video evidence will still be needed to punish someone, the information you want this system to have is pretty much all in the video. It won’t help, it’s just a waste of time for developers 
    6. This entire idea fails to account for rapidly-changing situations, it also fails to account for many more factors which I don’t have the patience to list. It doesn’t take an Einstein to find out what they are either. Sometimes, perhaps a lot of the times, this system is very inconvient for officers. 
    7. Yes, let’s let the entirety of the server know where cops are already struggling to survive....... 
    8. The point of lethals are to be easily accessible, and are already a commodity amongst civilians who kidnap cops. It would Remove a reason to kidnap police (which would involve rp to get them to drop their shit) and be very inconvient for an officer. 
    Moral of the story: Sergeants and higher are trusted members of the community, if you think they did something wrong, file an IA! If you believe an officer shouldn’t of lethaled you or was wrong to do, then file an IA! 
    FILE AN IA! 
    This idea is just useless, we have a good system already. Internal Affairs Section.
  12. danile666 liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    Your idea does absolutely nothing. Our IA system requires video evidence, especially for charges regarding corruption and abuse of apd equipment. The video has it all, rendering your idea useless in any circumstance. Not to mention the various of the problems with the idea (refer to my original post).
  13. danile666 liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    I don’t think this is a good idea.
    Sergeants are trusted members of the APD, and this is is useless.
    Let me break it down. 
    1. We have an IA system which requires video evidence. No need for a system that just marks down when lethals are used when it doesn’t matter. The victim can just post his side and let the reviewer decide the appropriateness of lethals In the scenerio. 
    2. The whole point is not to trust officers lower than the rank of sergeant. The point of contacting a higher up for lethals is to actually allow the higher up to interrogate your reasons for the request. Typing a mere phrase in a text box is not beneficial to a higher up in getting all the details he/ she needs. The text thing is a time burden to the officer, whereas verbal communication isn’t. An officer can put any lie or reason in that  text box and get unnecessary lethals, it won’t prevent anything. 
    3. This system has no regard for the times when a higher up is not present. Unless you actually want to remove the unanimous consent policy we have now
    4. The 10 minute thing is pointless and inconvient. I’ve been in feds where fights have gone 30-45 minutes full lethal. 
    (It also sounds like you want an officer to never have lethals until it is approved, then your magazines would some how be converted. If I’m correct in my assumption, that is just stupid). 
    5. This system is streamlined and can easily be abused by officers through lying and misinformation. Any punishment in result of this would still need video evidence, which renders your idea useless. Why, because the video evidence will already have the material needed to make a decision. You can say that the text entry will provide some sort of insight into the actual officer’s reasoning for lethals, but, there are a multitude of other factors that cannot always be represented through text. 
    Basically, record and report. Assuming that video evidence will still be needed to punish someone, the information you want this system to have is pretty much all in the video. It won’t help, it’s just a waste of time for developers 
    6. This entire idea fails to account for rapidly-changing situations, it also fails to account for many more factors which I don’t have the patience to list. It doesn’t take an Einstein to find out what they are either. Sometimes, perhaps a lot of the times, this system is very inconvient for officers. 
    7. Yes, let’s let the entirety of the server know where cops are already struggling to survive....... 
    8. The point of lethals are to be easily accessible, and are already a commodity amongst civilians who kidnap cops. It would Remove a reason to kidnap police (which would involve rp to get them to drop their shit) and be very inconvient for an officer. 
    Moral of the story: Sergeants and higher are trusted members of the community, if you think they did something wrong, file an IA! If you believe an officer shouldn’t of lethaled you or was wrong to do, then file an IA! 
    FILE AN IA! 
    This idea is just useless, we have a good system already. Internal Affairs Section.
  14. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    I don’t think this is a good idea.
    Sergeants are trusted members of the APD, and this is is useless.
    Let me break it down. 
    1. We have an IA system which requires video evidence. No need for a system that just marks down when lethals are used when it doesn’t matter. The victim can just post his side and let the reviewer decide the appropriateness of lethals In the scenerio. 
    2. The whole point is not to trust officers lower than the rank of sergeant. The point of contacting a higher up for lethals is to actually allow the higher up to interrogate your reasons for the request. Typing a mere phrase in a text box is not beneficial to a higher up in getting all the details he/ she needs. The text thing is a time burden to the officer, whereas verbal communication isn’t. An officer can put any lie or reason in that  text box and get unnecessary lethals, it won’t prevent anything. 
    3. This system has no regard for the times when a higher up is not present. Unless you actually want to remove the unanimous consent policy we have now
    4. The 10 minute thing is pointless and inconvient. I’ve been in feds where fights have gone 30-45 minutes full lethal. 
    (It also sounds like you want an officer to never have lethals until it is approved, then your magazines would some how be converted. If I’m correct in my assumption, that is just stupid). 
    5. This system is streamlined and can easily be abused by officers through lying and misinformation. Any punishment in result of this would still need video evidence, which renders your idea useless. Why, because the video evidence will already have the material needed to make a decision. You can say that the text entry will provide some sort of insight into the actual officer’s reasoning for lethals, but, there are a multitude of other factors that cannot always be represented through text. 
    Basically, record and report. Assuming that video evidence will still be needed to punish someone, the information you want this system to have is pretty much all in the video. It won’t help, it’s just a waste of time for developers 
    6. This entire idea fails to account for rapidly-changing situations, it also fails to account for many more factors which I don’t have the patience to list. It doesn’t take an Einstein to find out what they are either. Sometimes, perhaps a lot of the times, this system is very inconvient for officers. 
    7. Yes, let’s let the entirety of the server know where cops are already struggling to survive....... 
    8. The point of lethals are to be easily accessible, and are already a commodity amongst civilians who kidnap cops. It would Remove a reason to kidnap police (which would involve rp to get them to drop their shit) and be very inconvient for an officer. 
    Moral of the story: Sergeants and higher are trusted members of the community, if you think they did something wrong, file an IA! If you believe an officer shouldn’t of lethaled you or was wrong to do, then file an IA! 
    FILE AN IA! 
    This idea is just useless, we have a good system already. Internal Affairs Section.
  15. Nubis liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    I don’t think this is a good idea.
    Sergeants are trusted members of the APD, and this is is useless.
    Let me break it down. 
    1. We have an IA system which requires video evidence. No need for a system that just marks down when lethals are used when it doesn’t matter. The victim can just post his side and let the reviewer decide the appropriateness of lethals In the scenerio. 
    2. The whole point is not to trust officers lower than the rank of sergeant. The point of contacting a higher up for lethals is to actually allow the higher up to interrogate your reasons for the request. Typing a mere phrase in a text box is not beneficial to a higher up in getting all the details he/ she needs. The text thing is a time burden to the officer, whereas verbal communication isn’t. An officer can put any lie or reason in that  text box and get unnecessary lethals, it won’t prevent anything. 
    3. This system has no regard for the times when a higher up is not present. Unless you actually want to remove the unanimous consent policy we have now
    4. The 10 minute thing is pointless and inconvient. I’ve been in feds where fights have gone 30-45 minutes full lethal. 
    (It also sounds like you want an officer to never have lethals until it is approved, then your magazines would some how be converted. If I’m correct in my assumption, that is just stupid). 
    5. This system is streamlined and can easily be abused by officers through lying and misinformation. Any punishment in result of this would still need video evidence, which renders your idea useless. Why, because the video evidence will already have the material needed to make a decision. You can say that the text entry will provide some sort of insight into the actual officer’s reasoning for lethals, but, there are a multitude of other factors that cannot always be represented through text. 
    Basically, record and report. Assuming that video evidence will still be needed to punish someone, the information you want this system to have is pretty much all in the video. It won’t help, it’s just a waste of time for developers 
    6. This entire idea fails to account for rapidly-changing situations, it also fails to account for many more factors which I don’t have the patience to list. It doesn’t take an Einstein to find out what they are either. Sometimes, perhaps a lot of the times, this system is very inconvient for officers. 
    7. Yes, let’s let the entirety of the server know where cops are already struggling to survive....... 
    8. The point of lethals are to be easily accessible, and are already a commodity amongst civilians who kidnap cops. It would Remove a reason to kidnap police (which would involve rp to get them to drop their shit) and be very inconvient for an officer. 
    Moral of the story: Sergeants and higher are trusted members of the community, if you think they did something wrong, file an IA! If you believe an officer shouldn’t of lethaled you or was wrong to do, then file an IA! 
    FILE AN IA! 
    This idea is just useless, we have a good system already. Internal Affairs Section.
  16. Shad0wedDreamer liked a post in a topic by Sail in VDM is using your vehicle as an OFFENSIVE weapon.   
    Desperate times call for desperate strats
  17. Sail liked a post in a topic by bbgreg17 in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    A vehicle with a tracker on it is not a reason to go to Therisa.
    911 ping Warrant tracking APB tracking Parole violator Active pursuit Are the only valid reasons to go to Therisa.
  18. Sail liked a post in a topic by Codie Alterman in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    All officers are allowed to soft log (leaving to the server lobby and rejoining) whenever they are allowed to respawn.
    Officers are allowed to respawn:
    To respond to a bank robbery, prison break or federal reserve robbery. To return to their assigned city after assisting in a bank robbery, prison break or federal reserve robbery. To return to their assigned city after assisting in a backup call. (You are not allowed to respawn to respond to a backup call from other officers. You must drive or fly there but may respawn back afterwards.) When needed if there are 5 or less officers online. In extreme cases where you are stranded. (Do not abuse this by intentionally destroying your vehicle. Play fair.) To redeploy after being given placement orders by a higher up (such as after a briefing.) If they are a Cadet and do not have a Constable or higher nearby to patrol with.
  19. Sail liked a post in a topic by Samperino in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    Deal with the fugitive ping and then leave the area.
  20. Sail liked a post in a topic by Codie Alterman in ****APD Policy Update 2/4/19****   
    Effective Immediately
    Cartel Raiding Procedure (Lieutenant+)
    The Cartel raiding procedure has been simplified. The new procedure is as follows.
    Must be issued by Lieutenant+. Ensure no other raid has been conducted this server cycle (only one raid per restart). Only armored vehicles can be used, with lights and sirens being used on the initial push. If no armored vehicle is taken that Lieutenant is AWOL and will be demoted. All participating officers have one life. You may take a helicopter to the cartel, provided it arrives after the armor. The helicopter must return to base if all ground units are wiped. Once the raid has been conducted, a Lieutenant+ will mark the cartel with their name and the time. When raiding the oil cartel and it is at the oil rig, a marked Orca may be used in lieu of a Hunter/Strider to raid the cartel.
    Therisa (Donor Town) Policy
    Cartels have overrun Therisa and all civilians have been evacuated from the area. To prevent high loss of life of APD officers, police are no longer able to patrol this area without probable cause.
    To gain probable, cause you will need to have any of the following:
    Fugitive ping 911 ping Warrant tracking APB tracking Parole violator Active pursuit No officers should remain in the area for a prolonged period of time. 
    This also applies to undercover officers.
    Vehicle Seizing Policy (Lieutenant+)
    Lieutenant+ now have the ability to repair any illegal vehicle(s) and drive to the closest HQ for seizing.
    Vehicle seizing procedure (Lieutenant+)
    These vehicles may not be used for any armor on armor attacks.
    Only Lieutenants+ are allowed to drive these vehicles. You are allowed to defend yourself if you are disabled or flipped. No officers are allowed to man any of the vehicles’ weapons.  
    Fed/Bank/Prison Responding
    All officers are required to respond to the Fed, Bank, or Prison until either the security is elevated or the prison break has been quelled.
    If there is excessive fighting going on at either of these locations, a Sergeant+ can call off the officers if they feel it is necessary.
    Bank of Altis/Prison of Altis
    Officers must stay until the Bank of Altis is at elevated security, or the Prison of Altis has been quelled or successfully completed.
    Federal Reserve
    Officers must attempt to fight for at least 10 minutes from when the Federal Reserve is first being broken into.

    Police and Bounty Hunter relations
    Police are only allowed to hand over a suspect if the suspect has been given a chance to pay a ticket and has refused to pay the ticket (up to a maximum of 3 chances). Officers must attempt to process any suspect that they have downed. If a bounty hunter restrains someone that an officer has already downed, it is the officer’s responsibility to retrieve the suspect from the bounty hunter.
    If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a Captain.
  21. Sail liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in Salt Buff   
    Salt is very easy to come by if you know what to do though. 

    All you have to do is mention Cops and Therisa in a rebel thread. 

  22. Sail liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Forum login <--- Read here IF YOU CAN'T LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT   
    Hello all,
    You will now need to use your email to log into the forums. Even though it gives the option for display name, it will only accept your email address. 
    Thank you,
  23. Sail liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in Lack of RP   
    Agreed. No fun. apparently I’m on thin ice now for saying there’s only two genders and some uhh.. other stuff.
  24. Sail liked a post in a topic by bbgreg17 in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    The plane has not landed at a designated landing strip, therefore you have probable cause. They have also technically violated the 300-meter flight restriction, though this does not grant you probable cause.
  25. Master27411 liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    Say you were driving around on the MSR next to the main airfield, when suddenly, a plane lands on the highway. You siren, it pulls over without evading. What would be the acceptable course of action? (Probable cause or not?) 
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