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Everything posted by DankBud

  1. Deleted the wrong video (Whoops) changed the song and added some more clips as well,Enjoy!
  2. i will deny you every time, you had your chance an you fucked it up
  3. lulz he got mason'd rekt
  4. DankBud


    gotta love arma
  5. seems legit to me hahaha he even said get out the heli or die,to me you just didnt listen
  6. lmfao yiiikes,i mean its doable but aint easy just need to range,but i guess when you suck you suck luuulz
  7. at least you killed them both lol give the man some credit sheesh
  8. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam some of you take this shit to a whole other level of toxic lmao
  9. lmfao,i see nothing wrong with this,do you really think he had the time to see someone behind a group if ifrits? assuming he rolled up blind that is... Sure its shitty but everyone else would do the same shit 100%....
  10. So what is the Main issue here,hasnt been all that clear,been gettin trickles of it here an there thru this post along with others... Is it players not having the chance to buy "good" housing,or to many people own these houses that dont log on? An by re-introducing some of these good houses is to put the ball in the players hands an put in a required amount of time so to speak to keep them? the paper concept of it is aight imo,still could be a thing but its kinda that fine line of almost a requirement to play an keep houses.
  11. For capping cartels think you could add it based off rank also,that way if the group leader leaves the cap for w/e reason,it still can be capped by same gang,an should still let a player in the group be allowed in cap with out it messing it up?
  12. Nah were retards we dont know how.. we will stick around just to trigger people why so mad?
  13. i get where your coming from with it. an ive liked the idea of the walls like that an might do
  14. Im all for these,all but that last part...oof,if people did learn there lesson good,but idk in the past it never worked out(for the ones who legit was cheating). Between all the closest cheating over the last couple years,its killed it for me a bit, aswell for others in DS,an most times its the same people who once again get bored an turn to cheats just to meme. For me would be the time the server is up an the days there up,Im thinking of having it on a set time to go up for the start of a server session an then based off the numbers by the end of the session or 15-30 min before its over(based off points or the time) have it check for x amount of active players,not the lobby Have it pop up 2-3 times a day for NA an EU? an ofc if above is a thing server will stay up if numbers are up. Maybe even incorporate a Discord bot to ping people who may be in the chat or something of that nature. like a 30 min heads up or something Also how come you want church walls indestructible? like so you cant wall bang or you just cant knock em over ? More profit should be a thing for sure,i know its not meant to be a way to make money,but should be obtainable for the people who dont grind much..
  15. smh gets shot in the head an doesn't die yikes
  16. yikes,fighting them is complete aids,#builtinlagswitch
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