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APD Corporal
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About utilize420

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  1. One big problem with billing per upgrade is that if someone fully upgraded their house in the past but no longer uses said up grade they still have to pay for it. I see to options moving forward 1: add remove upgrade option or 2: remove added billing per feature or 3: screw you if you bought it you pay for it and if not sell it, ha ha ha ha........ lol If you wanted more houses for new players 1: bring the limit of houses down to 4, 2: limit the sell value of houses to 3 million 3: lower power bills to 10k per house but if the player fails to pay after 3 to 4 electric bills have the house go back on the market and claim it got seized by the bank, maybe even make an auction for seized homes at the bank or government build where the highest wins the house after 3 days. Drunk ranting Utilize out lol
  2. The honor, infamy, and police prestige exchange. Doing it all buy, sell, and trade.
  3. Just post it on the asylum exchange. # pay to win
  4. There should be a way to craft body armor, CSAT clothing and other items of tactical gear. The way I thought it could work, is to make it craftable at black market, through a second sign so as not to over load the current crafting menu. It should require various materials like weapons do, for example: 1 tactical vest of any color should require 10 iron ingots and 10 opium. 1 CSAT fatigues should require 20 iron ingots and 20 coke. 1 suicide vest should require 20 cut diamonds and 10 processed oil and $25,000. There should as be an option to sell to the black market, for the more expensive items. In addition but not necessarily, the price of these items at rebel could very due to supply and damand.
  5. In-Game Name- Utilize Age- Old as Fuck Arma Hours(Screenshot)- https://gyazo.com/aae9b76261d1d34d54a77219f4e2c889 / https://gyazo.com/03cb3a8a1fa90e0993370972d3bdcff4 Banked Money- 1,000,000 Have you ever been Banned?- no Current/Past Gangs- Dark horse, Evil Corp, Team Berry Do you have a Mic/Teamspeak?- yes to the mic What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad?- I'm usually drunk, so now I need a squad.
  6. +1 for new and revised content to make the game feeling fresh and new. Also I'm surprise you didn't call for a new prison (To complex, should be strip down to a timer like before so it can end after a set time, like 15 minutes.)
  7. Server: 4 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: large stone house (3 crates) House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 220k Location (Town/DP#): Athira by DP7 Asking Price: 400,000 Description: A three crate home good for scotch or storing drugs and ingredients. It is currently on the open market so first come, first severed. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/22f4746e7f77368569948d3574ae301f https://gyazo.com/4e415ab662d3143da53dced8be369418
  8. https://gyazo.com/21d80b694f0a3474f4aa8069dd9ee610
  9. I am selling my S4, 2 store Big white house, that is located between meth lab and Ephedra field for $500,000 https://gyazo.com/bef06ff5c898d1ad37d7aaf6f00c64ed https://gyazo.com/1496e6f4485f19a33c1e6ad50e0acee4 https://gyazo.com/6e395fdb4bd40423018a7bd3085d950c
  10. Reasons why BH is OP as fuck: They have weapons of a constable Armored vehicles and helis of a Sergeant Better tracking skills than the best warrent officer They do not have to abide be the APD guide book and restriction Also they get 100% of bounty and only share if they want too.
  11. It doesn't have to be called bribe bounty hunter that was just a example the use action could be called: Give full ticket Pay bounty Pay warrent Pay fine Bribe bounty hunter That's just a few options. The whole point is to be able to have an option of a ticket so it's not straight to jail for every little charge 3 hit and runs or 1 manslaughter or 2 counts of grand theft auto or 4 aiding escape charges.
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