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Yung God

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  1. Good points here CSAT's shouldnt be able to take 3 shots more than everyone else it doesnt make any sense. I thought Arma was supposed to be realistic.
  2. Name: Yung God / Noah Age: 19 Timezone: Pacific Hours (screenshot): https://i.gyazo.com/75d0d3a7fc2efc2fa22cb3c9f19845a1.png Current Balance in Bank: A little over 100k currently How can you contribute to Defiance: I have experience with cartel fighting and am willing to actively fight. I usually have plenty of money to purchase weapons and vehicles as well. Previous Gangs (Not APD): Insidious/ikon, Havoc, Hallowed, Project Syndicate, Exiled, S.H.I.E.L.D. (cant remember any others) Do you have sufficient knowledge of cartels: Yes Why are you interested in joining Defiance: I know some of the current members and am looking for an active gang to fight with. Anyone Who Could Vouch For You: Kemp and Ty
  3. Is housing on Tanoa going to carry over to the full release server? I want to buy a house but I'm worried I might lose it after upcoming updates.
  4. But then he cant get his posts up lol
  5. The biggest loss is no more crafting MK's, although if they changed the recipe to a material it could easily solve this problem.
  6. I like the idea, but if I'm not mistaken groups are already built into arma so I'm not sure that Asylum could change the mechanics of them.
  7. Yeah it is very helpful but sometimes you're mining or something and you don't want to drive and come back just to send money. I understand its a pretty small issue but I thought it would be cool to have since it was really useful on Arma 2. Either way its just a suggestion.
  8. Transferring money only sends it from your bank to other bank accounts. You cant give people cash on hand or deposit cash with this. They would still need a debit they just wouldn't need to wait for you to wire it to their account. If you could store money anywhere that would be way too op as you said.
  9. lol I dont know about you but I'm not playing with $1000 you literally gotta pick peaches fuck that.
  10. I'm really hoping they keep the same money for the apex server, unlike Australia...
  11. It's not needed but I find myself driving to ATM's pretty often to send friends money. I would much rather do it from anywhere
  12. I think there should be the option to transfer money on the phone bank app considering you can do the same in real life and I have seen Arma 2 Takistan Life servers use this idea and it worked great. Not sure if this has been suggested before but I thought it would make a good addition.
  13. This would be great considering medics will ignore you from 200m away right now. If they had incentive to work more it could make them much more productive.
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