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Big Gay Jay

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Big Gay Jay

  1. Did my idea about the smoke exploiting even get thought about or discussed at all? @Jesse @Azeh @Gen. Henry Arnold
  2. one of swegingtons retards gathering meth for him cool dude.
  3. Imagine being upset that someone wants to show what they're doing when they're having fun on the same server you play. UN-Centered text for you @Sean That Irish Guy clint lol.
  4. Make a high roller area in the casino

    300k , 400k , 500k bets

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bigjohn561


      500k in 30 sec when u win? U will get banned for making money too fast lol.

    3. Pizza Man

      Pizza Man

      you can bet up to 1 million ... wym bruh

  5. Imagine skipping class to upload this shit. Fuckn Freak
  6. That's the price you pay for fucking somebody's shit up, it's hilarious when someone owes 500k. But at the same time its been apart of the server for years, I understand growth and change but at the same time somethings need to stay the same.
  7. Please ban me so I can go outside.
  8. Them olympus kids are another breed man.
  9. Shut up old man, before I cut the hose to your oxygen tank and unscrew the nuts on your wheelchair.
  10. I try to always have my gun rested somewhere, either on a rock , wall or car. Majority of the time I have the weapon resting boost.
  11. Fights have been so fun and now my sleep schedule is fucked.
  12. lotta mafuckas in that bitch later dumbass.
  13. I swear to fucking god if this shit get's added im finna flip some shit. I did not get hounded by a few retards for nothing. @Clint Beastwood @Jbdragon
  14. Get sent to jail faster, respawn faster, regear to kill cops faster. ORRRRRRRRRR Sit there restrained for 15 minutes because @Scott is sitting in the water pegging cops in the ass with an SDAR and the cadet's are getting yelled at by every higher up to not process yet..
  15. Ahh yes bro, running around kavala with a fucking shot gun will be the situation it out classes the MK1
  16. Not sure if its only me, but it bugs me not being able to hear in game sounds
  17. I mean you can clearly see I see no competition on the tower so I've lowered my weapon on purpose so that I cannot shoot newbs.
  18. the amount of drug runner planes i've seen you slam into ABSOLUTELY nothing, You can shove comp straight up ur candy ass batcan.
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