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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Although people are toxic for no reason nowadays, I appreciate the point that's being made here. I think the reality of the situation is that this should be a hotfix and not a new patch notes because of how many seemingly small changes are coming through.
  2. Teamspeak really slept on developing their stuff over the years. 7 or 8 years ago discord was still considered a meme as far as I can tell. Sometime shortly before Covid started it seemed to just explode in popularity. I've adjusted to discord and realized it's objectively better. It just surprises me that the leader of the voip industry for gaming got so over ran so fast. In the last 2 or 3 years, it seems like discord is far beyond gaming.
  3. quick peak jihads and commies all day every day
  4. I'm not in favor of it but I do think it may work. Hear me out Bag, the servers pop is dog shit in the off hours allowing people free reign to make money if they want to stay up late. That's always been there but its far more of a problem now and they are trying to combat it with a different version of the money cap. I'm not in favor of it because Asylum not only survived, but thrived for years with out it and now it's seen as needed. I've said it before, and will keep saying it; anything beyond growing our population over the long term through aggressive means of advertising in some way is as far as I'm concerned, a band-aid. There is one alternative, and that would be dropping Arma 3 and/or letting it die on its own but shortly before that they bring up another game server.
  5. I wanna say that I really like these patch notes. A lot of original ideas for legal civs is cool and creating a niche RP sub-faction for the APD is great. However, I think there are others besides myself that wanna know how you guys intend on rebuilding our population this on the Arma 3 platform if its an option. Do you intend to do some kind of advertising? Pay a large-ish streamer to play here x amount of hours a week? I'm not saying it has to be one of those two, however some idea to continuously bring people here other then word of mouth has been needed for years.
  6. I think without realizing it, you mentioned a period of time in a Asylum where essentially people weren't "lazy" about grinding money. And in my opinion that was right around 2016 and prior to that. Don't get me wrong, there is other factors outside of this.
  7. The main difference between the 2016ish era of Asylum and prior to that and now is we have 1 server in stead of 4. When you have 4 servers the real estate market is vastly different and its much more reasonable to buy 1-2 meth houses and make money. I know this because I my self have done it on and off for years. It is challenging nowadays to buy a house. and while you would think the server is dead at 2 am there is a pretty good shot some dude is sitting on meth lab.
  8. Everyone has to follow the server rules, but the APD has to follow the guide book as well as an additional set of rules. However, while playing PD you're expected to follow the server rules regardless. I understand that you may be mad about a situation you or a friend had. I'm inclined to tell you that, in my experience not being accountable isn't going to help you.
  9. I never really came to Asylum for the RP. A very very small percentage of the fun I have had here was through RP beyond "hands up or die." I wasn't limited to cartel fighting by any means, but it was a large part of what I did and I loved and still love this community. However, you are right when you say that egos got involved but it was less with cartels and more with domination. I would equate domination/conquest/whatever the other servers have to DDT. For those who don't know DDT was an insecticide used in America and the rest of the world. It was very dangerous for your long term health and caused birth defects and a host of other problems. However, what it did do was kill insects incredibly effectively for long periods of time. It was so efficient that it virtually wiped out malaria ridden mosquitoes in the United states. In my opinion that is a net positive, as malaria is one of the biggest killers world wide. My point being Domination/conquest was a net positive. It kept the community alive when it likely would have otherwise failed. That being said, at the same time it ended up being a huge factor in what diminished Asylums player base into competitive ego filled kids with montages. It's not the main reason we have a dying community, but it is a big one.
  10. I have always been more a fan of allowing the server to be played with as few restrictions as possible. If it bothered me that much and I really wanted to fight gang fort, in the off hours I would make it my mission to relentlessly ruin the experience for the bounty hunters. I can see why this is annoying to deal with, but bare in mind that doing so brings this a step closer to domination, and the idea of domination made the regular server significantly less populated long term because it's a constant fight which satisfies the experience people want to have. While this is merely my opinion, and something that is quite difficult to prove i stand by it. Don't forget that I too have also had my play time ruined by bounty hunters at rebel plenty of times so it's not like I don't feel the pain. +1 on the arson kit price increase. That should cost minimum 3x the cost of repairing the house.
  11. The cool downs have been in place for like 7+ years at this point. I personally think its nice. The only thing more annoying then someone capping your cartel when you are fighting another is someone who waits till your gang is specifically doing something else and they go take it for a free cap. It somewhat wards off people from taking it who have no real intention of fighting over it at all.
  12. ive been checking it out a little bit, not sure yet. Regardless, I genuinely hope it does well.
  13. I would more or less agree with what your saying. The only flaw I see in your response is if you specifically look at the last 6 months or so of Asylums population, they definitely did not have the ability to have enough police. Now they without question should. If they don't it will be a failure on the part of the staff/ownership for not cultivating police presence. There is truth in the idea that having 15+ rebels against 5-6 is problematic. The solution is not having 5-6 cops. Asylums is ultimately balanced and fueled by having at least 10 cops on around the clock.
  14. They can't manage to keep 15-20 cops on regularly with all the staff they have along with pd?
  15. I hope they don't add the group cap back. That made a lot of people stop playing Asylum cause they couldn't play with there friends.
  16. You and I were tempers only team players back in the day. Never forget
  17. I was surprised that I found my self agreeing with the wipe being necessary, however if your post is serious is any capacity I suggest you dial back your thinking bro. Both sides need to be heard in this to the fullest extent to expose any potential flaws. I hear both sides of the argument and they both bring up decent points. As I said, I agree with the decision to wipe, however it's relatively easy to turn the "pro wipe" argument in to a fucking pin cushion. Saying something as simple as, "Asylum has been mismanaged for the past 1-3 years depending on how you look at it, and why would they do it correctly now?" This has very real merit. Or even, "Olympus has never had to wipe, and they were the ugly red headed step brother of Asylum for years." While I'm not really attacking you, I'm trying to use your post as an example for people who genuinely believe this, as you obviously intended for it to be somewhat satirical. That being said, blind belief in an idea of any kind is always foolish. We have to have counter arguments to make the outcome that much better.
  18. Being committed is one thing. Accepting the fact that there is a possibility of failure in the first few months is as far as I am concerned irresponsible. Not having a backup like not signing a prenup for marriage. At the end of the day it can't hurt to do it.
  19. Keep a backup of the current (what would be old) server database so if needed it can be reverted if it is blatantly failing after a few months. Keeping that back up is a good fail safe. From what little I understand about databases, it can't be that hard to do or costly long term. On the bright side I see light at the end of this if its executed with near perfection and maybe with some new solid content as icing on the cake.
  20. I genuinely love Asylum, I hope it can be saved some how. I am nowhere near involved enough to say how it should it be done. If not with Arma 3, I'm quite confident it can be done with Arma 4.
  21. Respectable, I never thought I'd see you guys do this.
  22. I like both of them for that role. My only hope is that there isn't too many cooks in the kitchen for the upper management to make decisions.
  23. Personal thoughts and opinions of the current state of Asylum. Cops have more utility to win a fight against civs then ever before. When they have numbers to match it, it is insanely difficult. However when they don't have numbers, and/or the leadership available to help them they fold like a piece of cardboard. I suggest drawing back on the utility that police have, while also encouraging them to be more active. As I said, the balancing aspects of what the police have now manifests as a negative when they have more then 10-12 on. When there is 5 cops on, it's irrelevant. Cops will always lack in skill and coordination relative to most gangs as the always have as gangs play together more, but what they have a leg up on is getting back faster and cheaper gear. To go into specifics on what I am referring too, mostly Ifrit usage. Fighting endless waves of Striders and Hunters is one thing, Ifrits are another. I might also add that fighting a gang with 8-10 ifrits is far different than fighting cops with 8-10 ifrits because they can't return nearly as quick. I am of course aware that it's locked behind a higher ups ability to pull them, even still it poses what I would objectively say based on my tenure in the server is a net-negative. I encourage limiting the number of ifrits that police can have out at a time in someway. Police have overall been given more and more other things to use since the inception of Asylum. For instance before, a fed used to be some Deerstands, 4 gates, you had to watch out for parachuters, a heli hot landing Alamo or in the north eastern part and cops nitroing in. Now it is all of that, plus the jump spots, usable by vans, the ifrits (which I explained above) and occasionally even the Marid. Then when you leave, cops can spike you now from their own car, and every gate has spikes on it until you cut the gate open. Now lets take a look at what rebels have acquired over that time. The Mk1 is still overall the best gun all things considered. The biggest change I would say is that they have RPGs and tbh, if we took a really close look at dumbing down the cop utility the RPGs can go. Next up you have the armed quilin, and with free vehicle reloads, that and/or a .50 cal can be a pretty gnarly combo however whenever its being used it is incredibly vulnerable due to the gunner being exposed. We have had some other things like the engine kill switch and so forth, which doesn't really provide any utility for fighting cops in a fed, or really at any federal event. Additionally, we have gotten a different assortment of guns, but for most with the exception of my self people overwhelmingly prefer the Mk1 or the Mk18. You will see a mk200 here and there and even rarely a zafir. Fed payouts seem to be balanced over all. I like most of the cartel caps as well. The quest system is pretty cool although I haven't used it that much to be honest. I also think the infamy system is pretty cool, it's a slow grind where you see the rewards and benefits over the course of a long period of time and I have been enjoying it.
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