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Everything posted by Steve

  1. What I mean is metal was originally a demonstration of musical complexity and devotion to the music. Almost all "metal" made with in the last 10 or 15 years has less and less of that as time goes on. Metallica is one of the best examples. You can seriously hear the difference in the music that was written by Dave before he got kicked out. Taste is subjective, quality is not. Metallica has become one of those bands that milks their fans for the money and tries to appeal to a greater number of people in the interest of money. While to my knowledge, this has never been confirmed by a band member, it is quite obvious.
  2. Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, anthrax, Motorhead, Black Sabbath to name a few.
  3. This is some sad boi middle schooler music. Have only found a total of 4 people in this community that like real metal.
  4. Discord has officially shit the bed boys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steve


      The servers were down

    3. BlackShot


      Thank god they weren't sold to Microsoft.

    4. Steve
  5. No one asked you underchungo.
  6. The issue was that it was the only car people used. People would use it as a means of portable cover. It really took away from the need to use actual strategy.
  7. Hell nah ex DH rpg using noob. You are still bad at mordhau.
  8. You don't get to say that career cop.
  9. And additional server would make sense if server 1 was 120/120 12 hours a day, for at least a month.
  10. I never understood why people don't wanna be lethaled. Would you really rather be in jail?
  11. Most people who do that will quit for the day if you vest them
  12. Tower lag is effectively unavoidable. However there is an element they bring to combat that I actually like besides the lag. If you and your team mates are positioned properly tower lag can be negated but not necessarily avoided.
  13. I would say that when people first start working out it wouldn't be safe to go below sets of 10 if you are trying to push yourself. I think it would be more helpful in the long run for someone to do it that way because you will allow your body to adjust to the movement pattern(s) and in turn instill good form. You are right though most people will plateau especially if they are on some "Bro Split." Most of the people I know who train heavy will use a full body or upper lower body program instead of destroying that particular body part once a week with a mid to semi-high rep range.
  14. Steve


    Don't got the peeps atm
  15. In my experience you can do sets of 3 and sets of 12 and still make incredible strength gains. The one difference I have noticed is that you run a higher risk of injury with that lower rep range especially if your form breaks down. The other thing I have noticed is that if you push your self to failure in the lower rep range you will engage in failure of the nervous system. If you fail in the higher rep range you won't be as beat afterwards.
  16. No one wants yours, you can't even morph in mordhau.
  17. Steve


    it was a joke i read the post
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