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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Why not keep both so you can still have faks for drug runs and such and it wont take away from what you can hold?
  2. Someone post a video of dillon laughing
  3. Looked like it could be pretty fun when I was in the testing server.
  4. What initially got my attention a long time ago was seeing they had 5 full servers but I stayed because I loved how much freedom the players have always had in the way they can play. So many life servers out there have all these ridiculous rules that you have to follow and it really trims down your options on what you can do and when you can do it. I haven't actually been in game that much recently but what has always kept me here was mostly the friends I have and the way staff handles things, even before I was staff I felt like one of our key attractions is having grounded admins, something that was at least at one point a hard thing to find in a community.
  5. The reason I suggested those limitations is there realistically needs to be some restrictions for the police in the use of this vehicle. If there isn't a handful of boxes to check before using it, it will almost certainly be used too frequently. This should rarely be a vehicle that is pulled if it ever gets put in. Why? Because for over half a decade police got by without it when they have good leadership around.
  6. As Jay said it could use more practical testing on the live server with gangs organically doing the federal events with the cops using this. However I recommend some restrictions in place if it is implemented to limit how easily the police can use this. These limits should be followed and considered black and white to prevent bullshit problems that would otherwise come with this change. These are just ideas and I would like to hear other peoples thoughts on the matter. There should be a certain amount of rebels doing each event this is pulled for. I.e 10 rebels at the fed, 6 at the bank, 6 at the prison etc. I would argue that this should not be pulled at all for the evidence lockup as that is hard enough as is. On the way over to whatever federal event they are going to, the vehicle has to be completely full, that way the cops can't zerg with 5 cops in the madrid and 5+ other hunters/striders, unless they have the numbers to do so, meaning they have 10 in the madrid already and then other cops in armor. That situation would be quite rare I think. The rank of captain could be the only cop allowed to drive it under any circumstances regardless of the situation, if the captain gets shot out tough luck hopefully they have another captain inside the vehicle. Now, speaking about whether or not it is actually impenetrable by a .50 cal definitely needs to get looked at. @John Lemmon demonstrated that could prove to be problematic. I am for this change, however only under the circumstances that it's use by the cops and the circumstances it is used in are very carefully kept in check. I would also like to add that civilians should get the ability to steal it, if the cops are gonna use it then they should be prepared to deal with the chaos that comes with losing it for the remainder of that restart or until they get it back.
  7. Steve

    Gang Textures

    As much as I loved my time playing pre 6.0 which was only about 6-7 months, (I think) there would be a lack of legit content that wouldn't be in place. As two simple examples, the bank and the evidence lock up would be gone. In addition, making money would quite literally be monumentally more time consuming. If I remember correctly pre 6.0 a hemmt gave you 120k?(1.2 mil back then.) The fed payout was also far less. Now certainly that doesn't mean that balancing changes would be inherently entirely reverted as well however there would be less to do. Might I remind you how much a large number of the veteran players are completely sick and tired of making money. I think what we all miss about pre 6.0 was having 4 altis servers and one stratis server that were absolutely popping the fuck off. Every large gang had their own home server. There was pretty much always a cartel fight to be had on one of the servers. The fights with cops were ridiculously fun and endless as well because there was so many of them.
  8. Steve

    COVID Baby

    I'm quite far from the right or the left in my political beliefs, but yeah true dog. I'm aware people are dying of this at higher rates in other countries, most of which have subpar medical care standards and the living situation is vastly different. In Italy specifically from what I understand most of the country is somewhere between 25-40 years behind in development. It's as if they are in a modern soviet union with the standard of living there. I'm sure that their standard for medical care is on a similar level as well. There are many parts in Italy that apparently don't even have modernized plumbing, which would obviously be a hygiene issue on it's own. (That last part may be incorrect I remember reading in a textbook at some point in time I don't know how outdated it is.) I've also read that it's very common for the elderly to live with younger people in Italy which is almost the perfect storm for this "highly contagious" disease. To be frank I rarely completely trust what I read anyways. I also just realized this reply was from July lmao
  9. Ragemans weird ass horker from skyrim laugh will live on forever.
  10. BS you drive a ford and you know it.
  11. It was quite early on, however I didn't play with any cartel focused gang at all until late 2015ish. I realize that the game has changed since then. I am simply not a fan of making something like this and then treating it like a server event that should be uninterrupted. I do see the skill gap of course, and I have discussed that with other people on the forums quite a bit in the last few years. At the rate I also think that the skill gap is partially what pushes so many people away, but because of a specific reason, that being that the newer to moderately experienced player has a very small chance at getting into even a decent gang because experienced gangs treat the game like they are fighting over a $5k tournament sometimes. My gang is guilty of this as well, so I'm not saying its yours alone or whoever. I still firmly believe any amount of hand holding for this is legit cringe.
  12. What exactly would be considered disrupting it? I feel like what people want out of conquest is to log on for the game for 2-3 hours, have uninterrupted cartel fights/fights with other gangs and log off. If that is what you want why not just make or play on an attack and defend server? The main reason I am against the group cap in any fashion is that it has been proven on Asylum that it is not good for gang life. Why? Because when it was introduced it caused the handful of large gangs to split up because it wouldn't make sense to keep all the people they hand in their gang. Initially it did actually work as intended. The problem it ends up producing is people are almost forced to play against their friends. The other problem that showed up later down the road is that gangs were disbanding because the gangs that split off from the gang were in before no longer had as good leadership as it did. It also made it a hell of a lot harder for any newer player to get involved the end game rebel life because the gangs wanted to stay competitive and only have the best of the best players in their gang. I realize that a group cap would not effect you in any way as you are already playing with very well established and experienced players. It does however make it so much harder for the guy with less then 1-2k hours to go anywhere. Even if it's a different story on another server, understand we are not that server. Any two given Altis Life communities may have some parallels but also many differences. People legit believe that conquest will bring Asylums population up higher then we have seen it in years. I think that is only partially true. I believe it will only bring the numbers up while conquest is going on, and maybe a little bit after and beforehand. So we are talking what? max 8-12 hours out of the week? I would like to see the results of conquest just for my own curiosity. However, I'd rather see it get treated in the same way an air drop gets treated, minus giving the ability for cops to intervene as they already can't at cartels. I feel like conquest in the long run draws people away from actually just playing the game and instead players gravitate towards this CSGO game sweaty mind set.
  13. its likely gonna be on the same server we play on if it every becomes a thing so how would that actually work?
  14. Put guns in your gang house and game on the bounty hunters. Recruit more bots or lose. What you are suggesting is babying people.
  15. People treat it like an esport.
  16. Cartels aren't esports.
  17. Run it, I wanna see who can get the biggest zerg
  18. From what I understand there is 3 caps that gangs fight over for like 2-3 hours. When the it's over the top 3 gangs all get a certain amount of money. However, a lot of these other servers that have "conquest" or something like it are trying to baby their cartel players by not allowing bounty hunters to camp rebels or warzone and what not. The other thing, is that I don't know if we would have a second server for it which would inherently mean a lot of people wouldn't be able to get into the server when it happens. This would almost certainly result in a lot of backlash. From what I have seen from the montages, conquest looks like a zerg fest with 5 different gangs trying to kill each other at some random ass place. I could see how it would be fun initially but I also think it would get old really quick as I prefer to fight gangs/cartels the way people do now. The other pain in the ass that I personally see with it is that it would attract a metric shit load of closet cheaters to deal with. In addition to that, one might think it would help our population out but in reality most of the people who play in conquests from what I've been told only log on for conquest and rarely much of anything else. Group cap is in any capacity is aids. Get the numbers to compete or suffer with less. It was removed from asylum for a good reason.
  19. Someone roast this guy he shouldn't be allowed to talk shit to anyone.
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