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Everything posted by Steve

  1. My leg doesn't bend enough for me to do shit anyways, so I'm still at home losing my mind either way.
  2. i forgot you were in there too gamer. haven't talked to cole in a long time though.
  3. There's a good chance that when you spawned in each of those times, your name was red for the guy(s) who killed you. Red = dead in almost any and all scenarios.
  4. He said he would be down but he has to "skeng" or something irl. The sayings with the kids these days.
  5. Roster Leaders: @CRH, @Steve kareem, goofi, bkz, Mason, Tea, obu, Chow Mein, Josh, Ronny, Jose Cuervo, Sake, Spake, Vlad, Gravl trials aren't listed Requirements - Knowledge of cartels - active - 1k+ hours Application Format In-game name: Timezone: Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): Previous gang affiliations: Why we should accept you: Member who can vouch for you: If you do not feel comfortable applying on the forums, feel free to apply via private message to the leaders listed above. Requiem is a gang originally made in 2017 but it disbanded. It sounded like a good idea to make it hoping to see some of our old friends come play with us once again.
  6. Well duh, I am the 4head in this community.
  7. If I had it my way, cops would have free load outs, or alternatively cops would be given the gun below their rank for free. Cpl gets mx for free, sgt i guess could get the mxm for free as well as Lt's. The main reason I suggest this is people are bored of cops playing sniper elite at banks/feds/prisons. They did this before when loadouts were free back in the day, just not nearly as much to my memory.
  8. I really wanted to un-center this but good idea dude I agree. Almost every fivem server is either an under managed menu server or some dumb shit where you are so restricted by the rules it's boring as fuck.
  9. make el pastor. Its the best taco meat imo
  10. What if we made it so only Sean couldn't center his posts?
  11. https://gyazo.com/2e81a70ac6d06371a394aaa2ed7f6bd4 @Wubz no way
  12. My squire twinkie all fuckin days boys
  13. I don't think it would happen that way but this happening at all is something up for debate and certainly not set in stone.
  14. Well I mean I guess you could but I just don't want something to slip through the cracks if a problem arises. It took the devs a long time to find the issue with the prison that caused all the server lag and crashes. So maybe 1 at a time isn't entirely necessary, but better safe then sorry. This is all under the assumption that it's possible
  15. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of those servers are hardcore rp servers that don't have as much of the huge gunfights we have on here. The only time I see any lag now a days is when it's in a massive gun fight almost always only a few seconds long or it's directly tied a particular player. Just a bit of vehicle dsync or something. So perhaps it isn't possible to achieve that high population cap with the bigger groups fighting. However, in the event it is I would agree that it would be in our best interest to take our time with it if we decide to go with it. Perhaps even increasing it one slot at a time if it's decided that increasing is the right move somewhere down the road.
  16. I didn't say that it never gets decent population. The issue comes in around 2am cst in my experience. If you have two servers they will both just be money farming sessions.
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