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Everything posted by IAmLegion

  1. ha taxpayment(inportcost) nice one the fuck me over whit aliexspres 2
  2. @Noliver. I wich you all the best in life man
  3. uhu go one whit your reporting buznis
  4. owner(businessman) pleas pleas start behaving like one dahm. your admin waving whit perm ban's you want empty sever ? its your god dahm wallet
  5. sad this coming from a sever owner
  6. hacker got banned? or is this gonna be blame it all on page story.. fact is we having 100 ppl max on severs all day long so we can just perm ban who ever whe want(WRONG)
  7. i can agree on cartels and rebels but not on donar
  8. i miss one cops cant go to a cartel nomather what(bring back the old rule)
  9. Best player thats easy @Durga
  10. how mutch monny do you pay me?
  11. so many photos, so many stories, and a long history of asylum community woow just woow
  12. thenx bit of a noob in that area:)
  13. https://gyazo.com/17703e8f42841eaf1f032895b7d4c678
  14. First mistake made unbaning tham. now the need to deal whit it all over again''something with better safe than sorry''
  15. ther if a huge gamble behind car flipping millions of asylum dollars are made whit it so NO
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